Chronicle of a literary giant











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This web site is set up in remembrance of CLAUDE AKE, a great man, who once graced this Earth with his presence. But first, many thanks to my friend, Eric Aghaduino for all the time he put into creating this memorial.

Claude's scholastic ingenuity, which is quite distinctive and can never be matched is unfortunately, not able to be captured and presented by any device built by man. He had to be seen and heard for the magnitude of his intelligence to be glimpsed.

It is with great honor and pride that I finally agree with what everyone had always known and seen, that I was married to a genius. As much as I acknowledge his academic successes and accomplishments, it will be presumptuous of me to try to write about his work, I leave that for his colleagues to send in comments and materials as a contribution, to the enrichment of this site.

My area of expertise concerning Claude is as an ordinary man, the private and personal aspect of him, which is as a father and a husband. He was the best of husband's and the greatest father there ever was. He was overall, a very good person.

He was a caring person and tried to make a difference for the better within the society and especially in the lives of people. His fight against injustices is legendary, a legacy which we, as a family try to emulate as we work with the Youth and the Widows in Nigeria.

Though Claude was here for a short time according to man's count, he would probably disagree because he believed in quality rather than quantity. His time on earth was parked and full, probably propelled by his favorite scripture "
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven …" Ecclesiastes 3:1
At this time of building up, I want to finally say thank you to all those that were there for us, in one capacity and another, at the time of our breaking down.

I thank Every persons and Every organizations that expressed condolence at the time of our loss, the board of directors and staff of the center instituted by Claude (C.A.S.S) for the work they continue to do, even in his absence. Ford Foundation, Yale and Rutgers Universities for their support of us in various ways and most sincere thanks to Rita Aghadiuno, Nathalia Kanem, Carol Turner and Caroline Brown for their help. My special thanks goes to the body of Christ in Nigeria, especially those in Port-Harcourt that upheld us in prayers at the darkest period of our lives.

We thank every body with our whole hearts. We pray that the Almighty God, who is our greatest comfort, will bless every one of you for the kindness shown towards us all. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


Anita, Mela, Ibra & Brieri Claude Ake.

Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

Brookings Institute
Yale University
United Nations
Woodrow Wilson Intl.
Columbia University
Clingendael Institute
Carleton University
Ford Foundation

Amnesty International
Human Right Watch

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