Tails:  Skipper, loves his meat, cheap beer and definitely nothing green

Senator:  Navigator, loves good wine & food, as long as he doesn't have to cook

Sneaky:  Brace, Hydraulics & Chef, Entertainment Director #2, loves pinot, hear there's nothing like a sneaky burger

Slave:  Mastman, electrician and apprentice marine sparky

Alice:  Mainsheet, look out he breaks boats and is a weight Nazi - used to be Mal, but was finally christened just before the Pacific Cup started

Wiz:  Kite Trimmer, 31cm waist - I think not

Legs:  Traveller, sailed to Capetown, this should be warmer & drier

Chipper:  Bow, engineer, wanted his nickname to be Chopper, but we couldn't have that

Bim:  Trimmer, he's the one in the bright shirt, while we are away we'll send him on a course to teach him not to throw the kite sheet on the deck

Shakey:  Keyboards, Traveller, Entertainment Director #1, a very funny man

Chunky:  Does everything, that's him in the photo with the new baby, in house fashion consultant

Colette:  She will get a nickname, engineer and enjoys being at the pointy end

Riccardo:  Grinder, Muscleman, reckons he's 105kg, he recently started in the Fiji race but apparently they thought better of it after the coup

Tonks: Late Starter, Sleeps with his eyes open! Loves a party at least with doing mainly day races no-one needs to get spooked by those eyes staring at you in the dark.

Visitors since 10 June 2000


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