Welcome to the "Clubs Go Round" Newsletter!

These pages came to be by the mutual efforts of the following groups:

California Genealogy
CJ's Genealogy Corner
Native American Genealogy Group
Wisconsin Researchers Club!
and UK_ Genealogical_Researchers


We hope that you will enjoy our newsletter and that the articles, links, reviews, etc. will help you with your research!

Each club has written their own pages that reflect on that clubs research interests or information.

CJ's Genealogy Corner Page

CGC's Bear Gazetteer

Shejag's news letter


If you would like to view our previous Newsletters go to our Archives page!

You are the
visitor to read our newsletter

Copyright © 2001 - 2003 Clubs Go Round by California Genealogy, CJ's Genealogy Corner, Native American Genealogy and Wisconsin Researchers Club
Revised -- Aug 7, 2003
URL: http://www.oocities.org/clubsgoround