- (webtv only)
For GEOCITIES- ftp.oocities.com
For TRIPOD- ftp.tripod.com
For ANGELFIRE-ftp.angelfire.com
For GEOCITIES-Type in the name of your directory, for example: BACKGROUNDS
For TRIPOD- just type in a forward slash: / plus the name of the directory, for example: /BACKGROUNDS
One hint with the TRANSLOADER when you first come to the page; if some words don't show up at the bottom of the screen in the box that tells you what page you are on, you'll have to RELOAD the page until it does otherwise the transloader won't work even if it is showing on the screen. Also, sometimes if really busy, you will get a BUSY-BUSY (it will be blinking) sign, and you'll just have to try again later. If it says TLOK, just reload the page and you should be taken to the main page of transloading. Good Luck
PooDoo ® 2/99
Help page for transloading at the