Centro de Ministerios Nacional

de la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada

en la Republica Dominicana


Planta de emergencia

Salon para hasta 300 personas (con sillas y mesas, equipo de sonido, etc.)

Comedor para hasta 100 personas

Dormitorio para hasta 100 personas

Amplio parqueo, area verde, baños, etc.

Bueno para conferencias, reuniones, cultos, bodas, etc., en un ambiente cristiano.

Llama para precios actualizados.

Teléfonos: Oficina: 809-564-2963

cocina, casa del administrador: 809-564-3026; Edilio Peña

Página de Internet: http://www.oocities.org/cmn.icrrd/

Correo electronico: guido_luissa06@yahoo.com

El Centro de Ministerios es un lugar donde la familia de ministerios Cristianos Reformados en la Rep. Dom. combina, coordina, y colabora para la obra del ministerio. 

Aqui estan las oficinas de la ICRRD y de Colegios Cristianos Reformados (COCREF); y pronto estaran las de AMMICRAN (La Asociacion de Ministerios Mundiales de la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada en America del Norte) - socios de la ICRRD en el ministerio.

Estan el Colegio Modelo "Emanuel", el dormitorio, comedor y salon principal; ademas del taller.

La segunda planta del edificio principal del centro esta bajo construccion, creando un bloque de oficinas unificado, con espacios para los ministerios de la iglesia como Educacion (El Instituto Biblico Reformado), Jovenes, Crecimiento de la Iglesia, etc.

The National Ministry Center of the Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic(ICRRD)is a place of ministry and cooperation.  Christian Reformed Schools and the Christian Reformed Church of North America's World Missions and World Relief agencies, as well as other members of the Christian Reformed family of ministries in the Dominican Republic, all work together in this center, for the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Besides the church offices and "Emanuel" model school, there is a dormitory, dining hall, and meeting hall. 

The second floor of the main building is currently under construction, becoming a unified office block to permit more cooperation and unity.

UPDATE: Feb. 25, 2009: Click here - Blog of a recent team that worked in the center - and look at the dated entries for updated photos. The Lord has answered many prayers! Funding has come to cover most if not all of the needs! The main doors and windows are installed, as are the plumbing and interior partitions of the AMMICRAN office. We still need interior doors and some finishing touches. COCREF still needs interior partitions. With about US$400.00, we can assist our partner agencies finish their interior. Then there are always lots of little (and some big) things that need to be done.

We ask you prayerfully consider donating to this cause through a designated offering sent to:

Christian Reformed World Missions

DR Ministry Center

2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

or go on line at CRWM web page

El Porton del Centro de Ministerios Nacional de la ICRRD (The front gate of the Ministry Center)
Enlaces (Links):
Fotos del Centro

(Photos of the Center)

Fotos de construccion del Centro

(Construction photos of the Center)


La Pagina de la ICRRD

(The page of the Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic)

La Pagina de AMMICRAN

(Christian Reformed World Missions & World Relief in the DR



Name: La Iglesia Cristiana Reformada en la Rep. Dom.

Calle 4 #6, Barrio Los Angeles, km. 13, Autopista Duarte

Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo

Republica Dominicana

(entra por la Ave. Monumental)

tel: 809-564-2963 y 564-3026

Email: Guido, administrador

Oficina de la ICRRD

- o - or - Steve Brauning, CRWM missionary in the DR