International board games
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Clause 5: Play a traditional board game from another country.

All of these games can be played with little more than pen and paper
Alleyway (from Eastern Europe)

You will need
A board (see below) for each patrol
One counter per player
A dice for each patrol

Each player throws the dice in turn and puts her counter on the space with the corresponding number to her score.  Players take turns to throw the dice & move their counters forward according to the score on the die.

If a counter lands on an occupied space between 1 and 12 or in the alleyway, the counter there must be moved back to the start.

If a counter lands on an occupied space on the other side of the alleyway, the counter there must be moved back two spaces.  If that space is occupied, then that counter has to move back two spaces and so on.

However, any counter whose “retreat” takes it back into the alleyway or beyond it must be returned to the start.  A counter which lands on space 25 must go back to space 14.  The winner is the first player to get beyond space 25.

from Guiding Magazine (Gillian Ellis)

Other international board games

here for how to play Tapatan, a game popular in the Philipines.  It is also played in other countries - click here for more.

Mancala is played all over Asia and Africa.  Click here to play it online, here for the rules, or here for its history.
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