If you’re an adult (ie. over 18) and interested in helping with the unit, in the first instance please contact Sandra at
slbhill@yahoo.com - she'd love to hear from you!  We welcome all sorts of help – occasional or regular, activities or administration. 

If you’re a girl aged between 9 and 13 and would like to join us then contact us
here and we’ll put you on the waiting list… or if you can persuade your mum or someone else to come and help you might get to join sooner!  You must be at least 10 to join but we’ll take your name on to the waiting list earlier.
Other age groups
There are also rainbows (age 5-6) and brownies (age 7–9) in Colinton, as well as opportunities for young women aged 14+. 
Contact us for more information, or have a look at the general Colinton Guiding page (we're under "local community").

Not in Colinton?
Girlguiding UK and they can put you in touch with guiding in your (UK) area.  Outside the UK, use the WAGGGS site to find your national organisation.

Can’t make it to meetings?

If you can’t make it to regular meetings, because of illness, where you live or whatever reason, but you’d still like to get involved… have a look at the
Net Guides website – Guiding on the Internet!
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