Puppets for guides
World Cultures badge
Clause 11: Puppetry is a very strong tradition worldwide.  Find out about its importance in other countries, eg. shadow puppets from Indonesia.  Make puppets and use them to tell a traditional story to Rainbows, Brownies or the rest of your unit.
History of puppetry
Shadow puppets have been used in Asia for more than 1000 years.  They are made from leather or wood, and can be incredibly intricate.  They are used to tell traditional stories, myths and legends.
If the puppets are made of leather, in Indonesia shadow puppetry is called
wayang kulit (wayang means "shadow" and kulit means "leather".  These puppets are 40-60cm tall.  Click here for more on wayang kulit.
Puppetry is mostly seen as entertainment but sometimes religious ceremonies involve puppets - click
here for more.

here to find out about puppetry traditions all over the world.
Making and using puppets
Tell the story of Ramayana with shadow puppets (includes templates and a script)
How to write puppet plays
Shadow theatre for younger kids (how to make the theatre and the puppets)
Making shadow puppets (aimed at adults and teens)
Puppet pattern for Rama, for use without a screen (normal puppet rather than shadow)
this site.