*Radiohead Unplugged*—Tracks 1-4 CBC Studios, Canada 3/2/96, Tracks 5-8 Rockville, Maryland 1996, Tracks 9-11 Johnny Walker show 6/8/95, Track 12 T in the park, Scotland 1996, Track 13 KROQ studios L.A., CA 1995, Track 14 acoustic demo 1995, Track 15 The Form, London 3/24/95, Tracks 16-19 On the Edge, L.A., CA 1994, Tracks 20-21 KFM Studios, London, 12/95
1. Killer Cars
2. Wonderwall
3. Blow Out
4. Street Spirit
5. Lucky
6. High and Dry
7. Motion Picture Soundtrack
8. Fake Plastic Trees
9. Black Star
10. Street Spirit
11. Subterranean Homesick Alien
12. Thinking About You
13. Creep
14. Just
15. Lozenge Of Love
16. Bulletproof
17. Killer Cars
18. Banana Co.
19. Yes I Am
20. Airbag
21. Fake Plastic Trees
*Radiohead—21 Frequencies Undiscovered Gems*-Various
1. Banana Co.
2. Coke Babies
3. Lozenge of Love
4. Bishop’s Robes
5. Permanent Daylight
6. Lull
7. Rabbit In Your Headlights
8. Thinking about You
9. True Love Waits
10. You Never Wash Up After Yourself
11. Molasses
12. Faithless the Wonder Boy
13. Yes I Am
14. India Rubber
15. Lewis (Mistreated)
16. Talk Show Host
17. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
18. Pop is Dead
19. How Can You be Sure?
20. Karma Police
21. Electioneering
*Radiohead-Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands-4/12/95*
1. The Bends
2. Bones
3. Bulletproof
4. My Iron Lung
5. Lucky
6. Creep
7. Bishop's Robes
8. High & Dry
9. Planet Telex
10. Inside my Head
11. Just
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. No Surprises
14. You
15. Black Star
16. Nice Dream
17. Stop Whispering
*Radiohead-I Wanna Be Jim Morrison-6/27/95 Sapporo, Japan*
1. My Iron Lung
2. Bones
3. Just
4. Black Star
5. You
6. The Bends
7. Street Spirit
8. High & Dry
9. Nice Dream
10. Killer Cars
11. Anyone Can Play Guitar
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. Planet Telex
14. Faithless, The Wonder Boy
15. When I'm Like This [=How Can You be Sure]
16. Stop Whispering
*Radiohead--The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA 3/29/96 Source: unknown mics > DATc > CDR1 > SHN*
Disc 1
01. Intro
02. My Iron Lung
03. Bones
04. Electioneering
05. Black Star
06. Lucky
07. Street Spirit
08. Anyone Can Play Guitar
09. Planet Telex
10. Nice Dream
11. High and Dry
12. I Promise
Disc 2
01. Lift
02. Creep
03. Just
04. The Bends
05. Bulletproof
06. You
07. Fake Plastic Trees
08. Thinking About You
09. Blow Out
*Radiohead-Data Complete-The Avalon, Boston, USA 4/13/96*
1. My Iron Lung
2. Bones
3. High & Dry
4. Bulletproof
5. Street Spirit
6. Planet Telex
7. Stop Whispering
8. Nice Dream
9. Lucky
10. Creep
11. Lurgee
12. Anyone Can Play Guitar
13. Just
14. Blow out
15. Fake Plastic Trees
*Radiohead—Big Day Out—Galaway 1996*
1. Iron Lung
2. Bones
3. Bulletproof
4. Planet Telex
5. Black Star
6. High and Dry
7. Lucky
8. Nice Dream
9. Creep
10. The Bends/Fake Plastic Trees
11. Anyone Can Play Guitar
12. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
13. Just
14. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
15. Just
16. Maquiladora
*Radiohead—KROQ Weenie Roast* 6/14/97
1. My Iron Lung
2.Talk Show Host
3. Paranoid Android
4.Exit Music (For A Film)
5. The Bends
6. Fake Plastic Trees
*Radiohead: Interactive ’97*—Live in Utrecht 6/97
1. My Iron Lung
2. Airbag
3. Exit Music (For a Film)
4. Planet Telex
5. Talk Show Host
6. Fake Plastic Trees
7. Paranoid Android
8. Karma Police
9. You
10. Climbing Up the Walls
11. No Surprises
12. Just
13. Street Spirit
14. Thinking About You
15. The Tourist
*Radiohead—Screaming Out: Live from the 10 Spot*
1. Karma Police
2. The Bends
3. Exit Music (For a Film)
4. Subterranean Homesick Alien
5. My Iron Lung
6. No Surprises
7. Bones
8. Paranoid Android
9. Fake Plastic Trees
10. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Miscellaneous Acoustic
11. Lucky
12. High and Dry
13. Fake Plastic Trees
14. Black Star
15. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
*Radiohead—Thomfoolery-Universal Amphitheatre* 4/1/98 L.A., CA 2-CDs (Lot's of clicks and blurbs towards end of 1st disc)
1. Meeting in the Aisle
2. Exit Music (For a film)
3. Airbag
4. Talk Show Host
5. Karma Police
6. My Iron Lung
7. The Bends
8. Bulletproof
9. Lurgee
10. Bones
11. Just
12. Climbing Up the Walls
13. Pearly
14. No Surprises
15. Fake Plastic Trees
16. Paranoid Android
17. Lucky
18. Planet Telex
19. How to Disappear Completely and never be found
20. Street Spirit
21. Let Down
22. The Tourist
23. Kevin and Bean Interview-April Fools Fight—KROQ
*Radiohead-SFB Sendesaal*Berlin, Germany 07/04/00 2 CDs
1. Optimistic
2. Morning Bell
3. Karma Police
4. The National Anthem
5. In Limbo
6. No Surprises
7. My Iron Lung
8. Dollars and Cents
9. Bishop's Robes
10. Talk Show Host
11. Kid A
12. You And Whose Army
13. Airbag
14. Lucky
15. How To Disappear Completely
16. Paranoid Android
17. Everything In Its Right Place
18. Pyramid Song
19. Exit Music
20. Knives Out
21. Big Ideas (aborted due to technical problems though)- Nice Dream
*Radiohead—The Greek Theater* Los Angeles, CA 10/20/2000 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Morning Bell
3. Airbag
4. In Limbo
5. Optimistic
6. Lucky
7. My Iron Lung
8. You and Whose Army
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Fake Plastic Trees
12. Talk Show Host
13. How to Disappear Completely
14. Paranoid Android
15. Idioteque
16. Just
17. Everything in it’s Right Place
18. I Might Be Wrong
19. Karma Police
20. Climbing Up the Walls
21. Pyramid Song
22. Motion Picture Soundtrack
23. Street Spirit (fade out)
*Radiohead-VCD!!!* Nurburgring, Germany 06/01/01 pro-shot?pal>ntsc>vcd 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Morning Bell
3. Lucky
4. Talk Show Host
5. In Limbo
6. My Iron Lung
7. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
8. Exit Music (for a film)
9. Dollars and Cents
10. Street Spirit (fade out)
11. You and Whose Army?
12. Karma Police
13. I Might be Wrong
14. Pyramid Song
15. Paranoid Android
16. Idioteque
17. Everything in it's Right Place
18. Airbag
19. Just
20. The Bends
21. How to Disappear Completely
22. Climbing Up the Walls
*Radiohead-C.W. Mitchel Pavillion* Houston, TX 6/18/01 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Morning Bell
3. Lucky
4. My Iron Lung
5. Knives Out
6. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
7. Bones
8. Exit Music (For a Film)
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Karma Police
12. I Might Be Wrong
13. Pyramid Song
14. Paranoid Android
15. Idioteque
16. Everything in its Right Place
17. You and Whose Army
18. Street Spirit
19. Climbing Up the Walls
20. How to Disappear
21. Talk Show Host
22. The Bends
*Radiohead-Shoreline Amphitheater* Mountain View, CA 6/27/01 2 CDs
1. Intro
2. The National Anthem
3. Morning Bell
4. Lucky
5. Airbag
6. In Limbo
7. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
8. You and Whose Army
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Knives Out
12. Permanent Daylight
13. Karma Police
14. Pyramid Song
15. Intro
16. Paranoid Android
17. Idioteque
18. Everything in it's Right Place
19. I Might Be Wrong
20. Fake Plastic Trees
21. The Thief
22. How to Disappear Completely
23. Talk Show Host
24. The Bends
25. Motion Picture Soundtrack
*Radiohead-Santa Barbara Bowl* Santa Barbara, CA 6/30/01 2 CDs
1. Intro
2. The National Anthem
3. Thom talking
4. Airbag
5. Thom Talking
6. Morning Bell
7. Thom Talking
8. Karma Police
9. Thom Talking
10. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
11. Bulletproof
12. Thom Talking
13. Talk Show Host
14. Climbing up the Walls
15. Audience
16. No Surprises
17. Dollars and Cents
18. Street Spirit
19. Audience
20. I Might Be Wrong
21. Pyramid Song
22. Thom Talking
23. Paranoid Android
24. Idioteque
25. Thom Talking
26. Everything in it's Right Place
27. True Love Waits
28. Lucky
29. Thom Talking
30. Pearly*
31. You and Whose Army
32. How to Disappear Completely
33. Thom Talking
34. Cinammon Girl
35. Fake Plastic Trees
*Radiohead-South Park* Headington, Oxford, UK, 07/07/01 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Airbag
3. Morning Bell
4. Lucky
5. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
6. My Iron Lung
7. Exit Music
8. Knives Out
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Street Spirit
12. I Might Be Wrong
13. Pryamid Song
14. Paranoid Android
15. Idioteque
16. Everything In Its Right Place
17. Fake Plastic Trees
18. Karma Police
19. You and Whose Army?
20. How To Disappear Completely
Encore 2:
21. Talk Show Host
22. The Bends
Encore 3:
23. Motion Picture Soundtrack (started but stopped after the intro)
24. Creep
*Radiohead-Madison Square Garden*New York, NY 08/07/01 2 CDs
1. National Anthem
2. Morning Bell
3. My Iron Lung
4. Karma Police
5. Knives Out
6. Permanent Daylight
7. Climbing Up the Walls
8. No Suprises
9. Dollars & Cents
10. Packt like Sardines...
11. Fake Plastic Trees
12. I Might Be Wrong
13. Follow Me Around
14. Pyramid Song
15. Paranoid Android
16. Idioteque
17. Everything In Its Right Place
1st Encore
19. Optimistic
20. How to Disappear Completely...
2nd Encore
21. Talk Show Host
22. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
3rd and Final Encore
23. Exit Music (for a film)
*Radiohead-Blossom Music Center*Cuyahoga Falls, OH 08/08/01 2 CDs
1. Intro
2. The National Anthem
3. Morning Bell
4. My Iron Lung
5. Karma Police
6. Knives Out
7. Optimistic
8. Climbing Up the Walls
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
12. Exit Music
13. I Might Be Wrong
14. Pyramid Song
15. Paranoid Android
16. Idioteque
17. Everything in it's Right Place
18. Like Spinning Plates
19. Lucky
20. You and Whose Army
21. How to Disappear Completely
22. Talk Show Host (cut)
(Missing Street Spirit)
*Radiohead-The Hollywood Bowl* Hollywood, CA 08/20/01 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Morning Bell
3. Optimistic
4. Karma Police
5. Knives Out
6. I Might Be Wrong
7. Exit Music (for a film)
8. My Iron Lung
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars and Cents
11. Airbag
12. Fake Plastic Trees
13. Pyramid Song
14. Paranoid Android
15. Idioteque
16. Everything in its Right Place
17. Lucky
18. Pearly*
19. You and Whose Army
20. How to Disappear
21. Climbing Up the Walls
22. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
23. True Love Waits
*Radiohead-The Spectrum Oslo, Norway 09/09/01 2 CDs
1. The National Anthem
2. Hunting Bears
3. Morning Bell
4. My Iron Lung
5. Karma Police
6. Optimistic
7. Knives Out
8. Exit Music
9. No Surprises
10. Dollars & Cents
11. Airbag
12. Street Spirit
13. I Might Be Wrong
14. Pyramid Song
15. Paranoid Android
16. Idioteque
17. Everything In Its Right Place
18. Lucky
19. Pearly*
20. You And Whose Army?
21. How To Disappear Completely
Encore 2:
22. True Love Waits
23. The Bends
*Radiohead-Palacio De Congresos Salamanca, Spain 08/05/02 2 CDs Source: Core-Sound Binaural Mics > Battery Box w/ Bass Roll-Off filter > Sony TCD D-100 44.1kHz (TDK DA-RXG 90 tapes) > SPDIF digital line-In on a Terratec SixPack 5.1+ > SPDIF digital line-In on a Terratec SixPack 5.1+ > recorded with w/ Cool Edit pro v1.2 (44.1kHz 16bit PCM WAV) > Equalized and Normalized w/ Soundforge v5.0 > Cut w/ Cool Edit pro v1.2 > encoded to SHN w/ mkw ACT v0.97 BETA 1
Disc 1:
1. Intro
2. There There
3. Scatterbrain
4. Wolf At The Door
5. Up On The Ladder
6. Where I End And You Begin
7. Sail To The Moon
8. Sit Down Stand Up
9. Morning Bell
10. Paranoid Android
11. You And Whose Army
12. No Surprises
13. I Might Be Wrong
Disc 2:
1. The Bends
2. Talk Show Host
3. Pyramid Song
4. National Anthem + Hunting Bears
5. Idioteque
6. Everything In It's Right Place
7. waiting for the encore
8. Airbag
9. Knives Out
10. Myxamatosis
11. How To Disappear Completely
12. We Suck Young Blood
13. Street Spirit
*Radiohead-Palacio De Congresos Salamanca, Spain 08/06/02 2 CDs Source: Sony MD MZ-R700, LP2 mode; Battery Module set to 69mhz; Mics: Microphone Madness(MM- MCSM-8),Frequency Response:(40-20,000HZ); Transfer: Via Soundforge @ 44,100hz, 16 bit Stereo
1. There There
2. Wolf from the door
3. Wicked Child
4. Myxomatosis
5. Sail to the moon
6. Punch up at a wedding
7. Sit Down, Stand Up
8. Climbing up the walls
9. The National Anthem
10. Morning Bell
11. Fake Plastic Trees
12. Lift
13. In Limbo
14. Lucky
15. Dollars and cents
16. My Iron Lung
17. Idioteque
18. Everything In Its Right Place
19. Like Spinning Plates
20. 2+2=5
21. I Might Be Wrong
22. Pyramid Song
23. Paranoid Android
24. The tourist
*Radiohead-Palacio De Congresos Salamanca, Spain 08/07/02 2 CDs Source: DPA 4061 > D8 CD > SHN: TEAC CD-W516EB > TAE 1.1 > WAV > Shorten 3.5 (seektables appended) > SHN (ryan@muschology.com)
Disc 1:
1. Intro
2. There There
3. Scatterbrain
4. Up On The Ladder
5. We Suck Young Blood
6. 2 + 2 = 5
7. Where I End and You Begin
8. Sit Down, Stand Up
9. Just
10. I Might Be Wrong
11. The Thief
12. You
13. Big Ideas
14. Big Boots
15. Exit Music
16. Lucky
Disc 2:
1. Punch Up At A Wedding > Fog
2. Pyramid Song
3. Paranoid Android
4. Idioteque
5. Everything In Its Right Place
6. The National Anthem
7. Knives Out
8. Talk Show Host
9. How To Disappear Completely
10. Sail To The Moon
11. Karma Police
*Thom Yorke solo--Bridge School Benefit* Mountain View, CA 10/26-27/2002
Day 1--10/26
1. Intro
2. Everything in it's Right Place
3. I Might Be Wrong
4. Sail to the Moon
5. Like Spinning Plates
6. There There
7. Pyramid Song
8. Lucky
9. After the Gold Rush
Day 2--10/27
1. Intro
2. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
3. Morning Bell
4. (nice dream)
5. I Might Be Wrong
6. Sail to the Moon
7. Like Spinning Plates
8. True Love Waits
9. Paranoid Android
*Radiohead-Tweeter Center* Mansfield, MA 08/13/2003 WBCN FM Radio Broadcast Non-MP3 recording 2 CDs
Disc 1
01. 2+2=5
02. sit down. stand up
03. paranoid android
04. kid a
05. backdrifts
06. morning bell
07. my iron lung
08. where i end and you begin
09. sail to the moon
10. the gloaming
11. climbimg up the walls
12. creep
13. like spinning plates
14. go to sleep
15. scatterbrain
16. the national anthem
Disc 2
17. there there
18. encore break
19. lucky
20. a punch-up at a wedding
21. airbag
22. everything in its right place
23. encore break
24. no surprises
25. idioteque
26. radio ending
*Radiohead-Alpine Valley* East Troy, WI 08/23/2003 Taper Joe Shambro Source: Custom Oade mics > D8 Transfer: D8 > ZA2 > WAV > 3db boost in cool edit pro > SHN Taper: Jim Blietz 2 CDs
Disc 1:
01. 2+2=5
02. Sit Down Stand Up
03. Where I End and You Begin
04. Kid A
05. Backdrifts
06. Lucky
07. Paranoid Android
08. Sail to The Moon
09. Fake Plastic Trees
10. We Suck Young Blood
11. Go To Sleep
12. Just
13. Scatterbrain
14. The Gloaming
15. Idioteque
16. No Surprises
17. There There
Disc 2:
01. You & Whose Army
02. The National Anthem
03. myxomatosis
04. Street Spirit
05. Karma Police
06. Everything In It's Right Place
*Radiohead-UMB Bank Pavillion* St. Louis, MO 08/24/2003 Taper Joe Shambro Source: DPA 4060 > DPS MPS6020 > D7 Location: Right, row E - front row behind pit, mics in shirt collar, ~6'2 off ground. Conversion: D7 > S/PDIF > Montego II+ > Samplitude resample > Soundforge 6.2 > CDWave > MKWAct 2 CDs
Disc 1
01. The Gloaming
02. 2+2=5
03. Sit Down. Stand Up.
04. Where I End And You Begin
05. Airbag
06 Bulletproof... I Wish I Was
07. Knives Out
08. Climbing Up The Walls
09. Talk Show Host
10. Paranoid Android
11. Sail To The Moon
Disc 2
01. A Wolf At The Door
02. Go To Sleep
03. I Might Be Wrong
04. Idioteque
05. No Surprises
06. There There
07. Pyramid Song
08. Myxomatosis
09. Just
10. How To Disappear Completely
11. The National Anthem / Hunting Bears
12. After The Goldrush (Neil Young cover)
13. Everything In Its Right Place
*Radiohead-Maida Vale Studios* London, UK 12/08/2003 Broadcast live on BBC Radio 1 Source: NTL Digital > AUX L/R > Audigy > Wavelab > WAV > FLAC
Audience Q & A
01. Go To Sleep
02. I Might Be Wrong
03. Like Spinning Plates
04. Bulletproof
05. Follow Me Around
06. Fog
07. Lucky
08. No Surprises
09. Karma Police