National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Research, Kolkata
NITTTR, Kolkata
FC Block, Sector-III, Salt Lake City
Calcutta - 700 106, West Bengal , India
337-0479, 337-4125, 337-0937 (Principal)
Fax : 033-337-6331 (Direct) ; 033-337-6290 (Code : IF-40)
NITTTR, Kolkata(Old Building)
NITTTR, Kolkata (New Building)
NITTTR, Kolkata
National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research (NITTTR), Kolkata was born in 1965 as Technical Teachers’ Training Institute, Calcutta. This was the first of such four institutes (other three being at Chandigarh, Bhopal & Chennai) established by the Dept. of Education, MHRD, Govt. of India as fully centrally funded autonomous institution. The primary focus of the Institute is to provide in-service training to the teachers & staff of Degree & Diploma level technical institutions and conducting activities related to the quality improvement of the technical education system of the country. Govt. of India, in 2003, accorded national status to this Institute, (along with the 3 sister institutes) in recognition to the expert service rendered for overall improvement of quality of Technical Education system.
Some of the notable national level projects in which the Institute is associated are Formulation of Tech. Ed. QIP proposal, Facilitating PWD Scheme, Consultancy to World Bank assisted Tech. Ed. III project, Developing Curriculum & Learning materials for National Vocational Education Qualification & Certification Framework, Serving as Nodal agency to Community Polytechnic Scheme etc.
The Institute has highly qualified faculty members and excellent infrastructural support in the form of well equipped laboratories and other resources.
The focal activities of the Institute are Short Term Training, Curriculum Development, Learning Resources Development, Research, Educational Management and Extension Services.
The Institute has established extension centres at Guwahati and Bhubaneswar for reaching out to its clients. The new mandate of the Institute has extended its clientele catchment area outside the country encompassing the Technical & Vocational Institutions of particularly SAARC & ASEAN countries.
For more details on different polytechnics in different states in eastern region and india , visit
NITTTR, Kolkata is having hostel facilities for participants who are coming for training in different courses conducted by the Institute. For more details on Hostel visit
NITTTR Extension Center,Guwahati
Hostel,NITTTR Extension Center,Guwahati
( For the North Eastern Region )
Girl's Polytechnic Campus
Bamuni Maidan, Guwahati- 781 021
: (0361)-556 089
NITTTR Extension Center,Bhubaneshwar
( For the State of Orissa )
Women's Polytechnic Campus
Bhubaneshwar 751 023
: (0674)-300-776