So I was thinking (OK, obsessing) in the days after my Captain went to Vancouver as a free agent. I thought about the past six years, and all the great moments. The Captain was a presence unlike about anyone I've ever seen, and leaves us with a heck of a lot of great memories. So how about the greatest Mark Messier memories?

I came up with a list of 21 big ones, starting from getting in the car to come home from school on October 4, 1991, and hearing the news, and not being able to contain myself--I got back out, saw a Ranger-fan pal coming out to the parking lot, and ran to meet him and tell him. We practically danced back to our cars.

And, of course, it ends with watching MSG Monday and seeing him wearing that ugly-ass sweater.

Some good, some bad, some out of left field. The top three are in order, the others sorta run together:

  1. June 14, 1994. Still can't tell if he scored the game-winner, but who cares? The moment was him skating that damn trophy around the Garden. The look on his face. The way he mouthed "I can't believe this" to his folks.
  2. May 25, 1994. The guarantee. The drop pass to Alex Kovalev. The backhand, the rebound, the 170-ft empty-netter. Need we say more?
  3. October 5, 1991. Takes the penalty in OT, comes out of the box, and feeds Sergei Nemchinov for the winner at Montreal, in his first gane as a Ranger.
Some undated ones: