Hgeocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/8181/news04.htmgeocities.com/Colosseum/Loge/8181/news04.htm.delayedxZJPh ;0OKtext/html j;0b.HMon, 13 Apr 1998 14:45:07 GMT/Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ZJ;0 THE JAGUARS DEN-Home Of Tanjong Pagar United Fc
Monday, 13 April, 1998: The New Paper Back
How Good Were They?

Douglas Moore made his coaching comeback last Saturday as the 1998 Tiger Beer S-League season got into full swing. But the former national coach's highly-rated Geyland United side found the going tough against a resilient Tanjong Pagar outfit at Queenstown Stadium...


Tanjong Pagar United

The good jaguar
1. Tanjong Pagar has found a promising midfield combination. The creative ones are - Iranian Majid Motlagh, who had impressive distribution, and - Samawira Basri, who zipped in and out with his darting dribbles. And they are supported by th ehardworking an dup-coming Basri Halis and Lim Soon Seng.
2. Up-front, Nahar Daud and new Iranian striker Abdol Marfavi combined quite well. Abdol looks quite dangerous in the air but needs to improve his touches, after missing an open goal against Geylang.
3. Steven tan, when he came in as a substitute, looked very penetrative indeed. He went for a number of through runs, which caused headaches for Geylang on Saturday.

Geylang United

The good eagle
1. They looked good only in the first 20 minutes against Tanjong Pagar, playing fast soccer from defence to attack and using the flanks effectively.
2. Englishman Max Nicholson showed once again why he is a feared free-kick specialist. His low and hard-driven volley against Tanjong Pagar reminded others that he'll be the man to look out for in future. Rafi Ali and Zulkarnaen Zainal too, are known for their free-kicks.
3. Another man to look out for here is Englishman Neil Allison, its defender who at 1.85m, has a good hang and a powerful header. And he proved dangerous in a few set-pieces too.


Tanjong Pagar United

The bad jaguar
1. Will have to watch their tempers or else they'll collect yellow cards for nothing, like dissent. It's still early days and they must remember this year's season is longer, with two new teams.
2. For example,when Geylang's Sean Fallon challenged 'keeper Dragan Talajic for the ball, Tanjong Pagar players instantly surrounded him and shoving was seen. The referee quickly intervened but only gave them a verbal warning.
3. Maybe it was a first-game nerves but even on home ground, they allowed Geylang to come at them at the start. So initial nervousness in the big games is something Tanjong Pagar has to learn to deal with quickly.

Geylang United

The bad eagle
1. After Tanjong Pagar equalised on Saturday, Geylang lost its shape. Midfielders Rafi, Zul, Nicholson and Dalis failed to regain control of their games.
2. The midfield was bypassed with desperate long balls down the flanks. And the defence didn't move up with the attack, creating a gap which the Tanjong pagar players capitalised on, when it came to rebounds in the middle of the field.
3. Strikers Warren Spink and new face Sean Fallon hardly got the service. Fallon looked unimpressive, but coach Douglas Moore says his job is not to look brilliant, but barge about, challenge for the ball, and let others pick up the loose balls in the space he has created.


Tanjong Pagar United

The bad jaguar
1. Suddenly, they're looking much sharper than before. This, after some disturbing pre-season performances, where the locals and foreign players completely lacked understanding.
2. Promising team spirit, defending in numbers when under pressure and pushing up together in the fast-breaks.
3. They showed they can finally create but finishing the chances off is still the big question. They are soon trying out a Croatian striker called Zoran. So we'll have to see if he can make the difference.

Geylang United

The eagle's claw
1. Other teams have to beware Geylang's clear strength in the air. Because players who are tall and have powerful headers like Allison can turn things around at free-kicks and corner-kicks.
2. Geylang may not have been brilliant at creating chances but it already looks dangerous at free-kicks and corner-kicks. But Moore's beliefs should be a warning to other teams. He said: "50 percent of all goals come from set-pieces... you have to work on the remaining 50 percent." And time is still on Geylang's side.

RATING (out of 10)
Tanjong Pagar United : 6
Geylang United : 3

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