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Last Updated: April 1, 1999 (16:15 PST)

At Wrestlemania, two new champions were crowned in Hardcore Holly and Stone Cold Steve Austin for the Hardcore and World Titles respectively. Full report in PPV section

On RAW (3/29/99), Goldust defeated Road Dogg to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

RAW drew a composite of 6.5 rating which is an all time record. Main event match of RAW between Hunter Hearst Helmsley and X-Pac has defeated Nitro's main event match between Hollywood Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page by the score of 6.5 to 2.8. Bret Hart vs. Goldberg was the most watched quarter hour of Nitro. Speaking of RAW, for those of you interested as to what happened after RAW went off the air, here's a report:

After RAW went off the air, Steve Austin and Paul Wight continued to clean house of Team Corporate. Shamrock, Test, and Triple H retreated as Austin drank a few beers in the ring. The Rock and Shane McMahon were slowly walking back up the ramp when Austin got the microphone. As he's done many times in the past after a television taping and at house show, he wanted to make peace with The Rock and offered him a beer. When Austin asked the crowd if they wanted to see The Rock and "Stone Cold" drink a beer together, the crowd responded with a resounding "Hell Yeah." The Rock got into the ring and cracked open a beer with Austin. By the way, "The Big Show" Paul Wight was in the ring the entire time standing in the corner. The two drank and The Rock attempted a cheap shot on Austin. Austin ducked and hit another Stone Cold Stunner. As The Rock staggered back to his feet, Austin hit another Stunner sending The Rock to the floor. Shane McMahon came down to the ringside area to help The Rock. Austin grabbed Shane and sent him into the ring for Paul Wight. "The Big Show" delivered a massive chokeslam on Shane McMahon to an enormous pop from the crowd. Security helped Shane to the back as Austin and Wight drank three or four beers before heading to the back. By the way, Steve Austin never got his special championship belt back.

Dave Scherer reports that "The Fabulous Moolah" and Rocky Johnson (the father of Rocky Maivia) were in attendence at WrestleMania 15. Scherer also says that Nicole Bass was said to have messed up the finish of the Women's Title match between Sable and Tori by interfering too early

TAKA Michinoku has made his return to the WWF last night during Super Astro taping. Michinoku teamed up with Pantera (w/ Papi Chulo) to face El Hijo Del Santo and Negro Casas. Surprisingly, Michinoku's team was defeated when Pantera submitted to Del Santo's Camel Clutch. Michinoku, Pantera, and Chulo attacked Del Santo and laid him out after the match.

On March 30th, "Mean" Gene Okerlund called in during "The John Boy and Billy Big Show" radio program, and announced that the wedding of Shawn Michaels and Whisper "could be as early as this Thursday in Vegas." Gene Okerlund was the first person to break the news of their wedding last week.

Earlier it was reported that WWF Hotel in Las Vegas would be torn down and a new one would be built in its place. According to Al Isaacs, the hotel has not been knocked down yet because they are going to let Steve Austin to blow up the building to piss off Vince McMahon (a la Austin's crushing McMahon's Corvette). This will happen after WrestleMania, and they will be making the building look brand new with a WWF logos on it before letting Austin blow it up.

Has the Hitman quit WCW? Bret Hart still has 10 months left in his WCW contract, and Nitro's angle was done, so that Hart could take some time off and go through the groin surgery. The angle was played out very well, in my opinion. To make this good angle look more legit, Bret Hart has issued the following statement regarding what happenned at Nitro. Other sources tell me that this is a set up to a huge push for the Hitman. Watch next week's Nitro to find out.

On Nitro, the team of Rey Mysterio Jr and Billy Kidman defeated the team of Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit to become the new WCW Tag Team Champions. The match ended when Raven and Saturn came down to the ring, where Saturn distracted the ref while Raven DDT's Malenko (who had the Texas Cloverleaf on at the time).

There is a lot of talk that Scott Hall is done with wrestling. Scott is trying to get his family life back together with his ex-wife Dana and his children. Scott and Dana are reconciling, and she is insisting that Scott should no longer wrestle. Scott Hall remarried his ex-wife Dana on March 27th, according to Mark Madden of WCW Hotline. However, according to Dave Meltzer, it is very difficult for Hall to walk away from wrestling, especially since he is expected to make over $1.5 million per year if he sticks around.

Hollywood Hogan will make another appearance on Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Friday, April 9th. Last time he was on the show, he announced his retirement from professional wrestling. "Macho Man" Randy Savage will also make his return on April 5th Nitro from Las Vegas, Nevada. The rumor is that he will be having a gimmick somewhat close to Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Mark Madden reports that a new TNT Nitro set will debut at Las Vegas on April 5th. Rick Rude will possibly join the new announcing crew. It is also reported that the announcers table may be moved to ringside.

Jimmy Hart, who works in front on the camera as a manager, behind the scenes as an assistant talent coordinator and composes most the of WCW entrance music will likely leave World Championship Wrestling and go back to the World Wrestling Federation where he was a top manager for many years. He can leave at any time. This will even add to the rumor that Hogan would be heading to Titan when his contract is up.

that's about it! You're up to date in the world of professional wrestling... check back frequently for updates.

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