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103 pictures of Paul

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"Nice to be up stage again. Last time we got zrewn out 'cause we drank too much. Vat lovely memories."
"Uh oh, zey caught us practising in grandma's basement, guys. Let's get out of here."
"Look I've got sores betveen my fingers! But, I'm not ze drummer in ze band, eh?"
"They're talking so much crap... *sighs* Oh zat lady was very cute. Hi Lady!"
"And WHAT are you staring at? What is so wrong wiz my haircut, Flake?"
"Hey! Here comes Robin Hood (and a guy called Flake), so watch out!!"
"Ah, turn out ze sun! I'm not used to play in zese sunny conditions!"
"Damn, Falke's keyboard is louder zan my guitar. Vat IS zis?"
"I believe zat women find guitar players sexy. Lucky for me!"
"Hey, get off ze mike. I'm trying very much to sing here."
"Uuuh, how can a man sing like zat? I need to turn away."
"1...2...3 Ich such die DDR und keine weiss wo sie ist."
"I wanna be like David Bowie! Perhaps a look-alike?"
"Anozer damn photo. I guess I better look natural."
"I'm a punk rocker, yes I aaaammm..."
"Flake! Stop scratching my head!"
"I feel really hip in zese pants!"
"Bald and skilled, right!?"

"Does zat camera-man really got to stand right beneaz me? I'll kick him in his head soon!"
"All right, all right! My hair-style may not be ze best. Can we continue ze show now?"
"I haff to show Japan how tough we actually are! Hi Fuji! Look at zis hard man!"
"Vat ze hell? I pretend I don't see how weird Till is! Hey Japan! How are you?"
"Whow, haff all zese peolpe come here just to see us? I'm moved I must say..."
"Hey, is zat peron taking a photo of me? Zen I'll better show my best side..."
8/6-01 "I wonder if people down zere can see I colored my eyebrows yesterday?" 8/6-01
"Whow, what a crowd out zere. Lucky for me I don't have stage fright!"
"Wonder if zey can hear me... Perhaps it's best yelling a little louder!"
8/6-01 "Ah, I'm spotting you beautiful lady! Watch out. Here I come!" 8/6-01
"Hey, zis guitar is nearly tipping me over!! Need to fix zat..."
8/6-01 "Hm, zis yoga zing during the show seem to work fine!" 8/6-01
"Uhm, girl. Please put out zat flashlight. I can't see."
"Stupid shirt. Why does it have to slide all ze time?!"
"Hallo hallo!?... Is zis where I'm supposed to sing?"
"No, don't zrow zat rotten egg at me. I warn you!"
"Wonder if zey can see me at home on tv now..."
"Lucky for me it's blowing ze right direction..."
"Uh oh... I'm falling down ze stage very soon."
8/6-01 "Damn! I need to get zat vater out of my ear!" 8/6-01
"Aww! Zeese flames vill burn me up!"
"Come on peolpe! I can't hear you!!"
"A bit dusty, but still comfortable!"
"Isn't zat Orion's belt up there?"
"Ouch!!! I bite my lip. Damn it!!!"
"My godness what it's itching!!"
"It's getting hot around here!!"
"Hm... I ZINK zis is right."
"Brrr... isn't it cold here?
"I love you folks!!!"
"...zu Staub!!!"

"Whow, writing autographs really make you understand how popular you are! Do you want an autograph, dear??"
"Ah, zis planet seems nice! I zink I'll stay here for a while! The space ship needs to be fixed anyway."
"He he, my hair doesn't seem alive since I colored it yesterday! Zank God for ze styling products!"
"Hö hö, zis photoidea was ze most stupid zing we could have come up wiz! I look like a nerd!!"
"You're so sweet that I'll sign zis for you specially! Vat did you say your name vas?"
"My god what an annoying receptionist. But, I'm a gentleman so I just keep smiling"
"Vy can't all of them just shut up? I'm so tired... I want to go home and take a nap!"
"Hey, guys, what's zis? And why has someone put a machine-gun in our studio?"
"I didn't sleep very much tonight so could we go on please? I want to go home."
"Hehe, I know vat's under your belt, Till. Come down from your high horses."
"Till, vould you mind shutting up? I'm trying to talk to zis vonderful lady."
"Jesus!? This will make me look ten years older when we're finished..."
"I hate admitting it to you, guys, but on the inside I'm a nerd, really."
"Vould you mind stop drooling in the backside of my neck, Flake!!??""
"You know I don't wanna be at picture when I'm having a hangover!"
"Hehe, Schneider, I'll kill you for forcing me to wear zis outfit!"
"Can someone hand me a pair of sunglasses? Zis sun is killing me!"
8/6-01 "Guyz? Aren't you ready yet? We're going snowboarding today!" 8/6-01
"Hey, don't laugh! I can't help I'm not as tall as you guys..."
"Yes, I know I'm the most beautiful man in the world..."
"Photografer, do you zink I'd look good in pink hair?"
"Ah! I'm a real rockstar now. Calm down you guys!!"
*grumble* Can someone put ze light on, please??"
"Do NOT take a picture now! HEY, I warn you!!!"
"Ja ja, we've seen zis now. Can we go home?"
"Don't play wiz the electricity guys!! Please..."
"Who came up with zis studip idea anyway?"
"Hm, Richard has got a spot on his shoulder."
"Hmmm... I'm not sure if I like zis or not."
"And what ze hell are you looking at???"
"Zis was a very good apple I must say!"
"Hurry up! My legs haff dosed off!"
"Are we done soon? I need to gulp."
"Iiiihhhaaa! Zis is really cool, ja!!"
"Look at me! I can dance as well."
"Hm... isn't zat a girl overzere?"
"Schomeone who'sch hungjy?"
"God what your pants is ugly!"
"Not wizout my sidepart!!"
"Did you call for me?"

FORBIDDEN!!! Don't steal these. Credits to Jon, Susie, Akam and Ute Wetzer
"Susie, who is this guy?"---"This is a photographer, Paul. SMILE!"
"Stop vaving wiz zat camera in my ear please!"
"Vat? Badly shaved sideburns? Vat an insult!!"
"Buuu... I look like a ghost beside you Jon..."
8/6-01 "Vat do you mean? Drunk? No, not at all!" 8/6-01
"Hey!! Who turned ze light off?"
"Uhh... I'm feeling sick..."

"Ahhh! This is what we need after making this gad damn record, some relaxing."
"Stop staring at me like zat. Zis haircut IS trendy! I read it in Vouge!"
"Who made COFFEE a hot day like zis? You're so stupid sometimes..."