Star Trek Voyager: Tsunkatse

Die Crew des Raumschiffes Voyager besucht eine Kampfsportverantstaltung, bei der verschiedene Aliens in einem Spiel namens "Tsunkatse" gegeneinander antreten. Zu ihrer Überraschung entdecken sie unter den Gladiatoren ihr Crewmitglied Seven of Nine, die kurz zuvor von dem Veranstalter Penk (Jeffrey Combs) gekidnapt worden und zum Kampf gezwungen war. Als sie versuchen, den Kampf zu verhindern stellt sich heraus, daß die Zuschauer nur eine holographische Projektion zu Gesicht bekommen. Der wirkliche Kampf findet auf einem hochgerüsteten und schwerbewaffneten Raumschiff statt...

Für Tsunkatse kehrt Jeffrey Combs zum 5. Mal in das Star Trek Universum zurück und mit ihm ein weiteren DS9 Darsteller - J.G. Hertzler aka Genral Martok. Ein weitere prominenter Gaststar ist der Wretsler "The Rock", dessen Gastauftritt wohl ein weitere Grund für die guten Quoten dieser Voyager Folge ist.

Jeffrey Combs über "Tsunkatse":

"They had this limo pull up outside the stadium, and they had this remote camera, and I see this guy in shades. He starts doing this rap, and I think, who's this guy? He's actually pretty good! And it turned out to be The Rock. He's very suave, very cool, he knows that a little bit goes a long way - most of those guys, the veins are popping out, but he knows how to tone it down. He knows all that he needs. [...]

Combs adds that when he went to work on Voyager, he walked up to the wrestler and greeted him: "Yeah, The Rock! And he said, 'Just call me Duane.' Duane. No wonder he calls himself The Rock!"

"There might be a few yuks in there, but it's a pretty serious episode. There are some great fights in it. I have nothing to do with them except to observe them, but they have some wonderful fight choreography, sort of kung-fu, Universal Soldier, no-holds-barred kind of battles, not really reminiscent of any strict martial arts doctrine. [...] You know The Rock is very physical, and Jeri can move pretty well, and for the really difficult fight stuff they got an incredible match for her. Of course, J.G. has a presence, and he was pretty well covered in makeup so he was well doubled too. It was being shot really well too.

They just called me. They had this zany idea, and it was a compliment to me and J.G. to include a couple of DS9 alumni, to lure some DS9 viewers over to Voyager." aus Another Universe (2000)

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