From Sea to Sea to Sea...
"In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that
tear nations apart,
Canada stands as a model of how people of different Cultures
can live and work together in Peace, Prosperity, and Mutual Respect."
USA President Bill Clinton in a 1995
House of Commons Address.
For the seventh year in a row, Canada is number 1 in the United Nations
Human Development Index (HDI), which ranks 174 countries in terms of
life expectancy, education and income.
The purpose of this Award is to promote Sites with Quality Canadian content,
and give the opportunity to Canadian Sites across our Great Country, to be
viewed and shared by all.
To Qualify for this most Prestigious of Canadian Awards your Site must of course
contain Canadian content.Your Site must also be able to be viewed by all members
of the family and be in the true nature of the Canadian Spirit.