

stop it and stop it now !!!

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IS A MISDEMEANOR A DEATH PENALTY NOW? - July 20, 2004 <- I know you are very busy but I am in a desperate situation because Rockwall County Texas is refusing to abide by emergency room doctor's orders to keep my daughter alive!  Please keep in mind that the District Attorney who procured my daughter's conviction is the same District Attorney who contributed to the death of my 21 year old son last year through his bizarre legal corruption!
Help me save my daughter's life!!!  Chandra will die unless we move fast..

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There are 11.5 million incarcerated presently and the "The Citizen" predicted there will be 35 million by the end of the decade.  YOUR FAMILY OR LOVED ONE WILL BE PART IN THIS INCARCERATION.
We can have 175 million members in our group if you will get involved!  We presently have over 10,000. 96% of inmates are NON VIOLENT and are not guilty of anything more than YOU have ever done.  It is now against the law to say: UNDER GOD.  Are you guilty of this?  If so beware.

Brenda Pitts Bennett

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Dr.Terry Kupers

Producer Mercedes Maharis

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(Testimonies From Prisoners)


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Royce City Residents Condemn Police Conduct
Dallas News

Letter From Royce City Resident

Post Incarceration Syndrome and Relapse

Letter From Dr. Kupers To Dr. Admas And Dr. Owens
Re:Chad Bennett

Information On Lyme Disease

Prisoner Rights

News Items

Rockwall County Texas officials contributed to the death of my 21 year old son, Chip Bennett. Read more ....

The following account is brutal and shocking

It is not intended as a blanket condemnation of the entire police force, but rather as an expose on law enforcement practices in Royse City (in Rockwall County) Texas, as well as the true story of one family's terrifying plight.

is an unbelievable one of Texas Police Brutality, corruption, nepotism, southern racism, and conspiracy... 

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Look at a Family Photo by clicking on: Chad, his sister Chanda and his brother Chip and Me.

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This is an example of how a small incident can become an ongoing major battle.Please read my true story

I know, it seems bizarre for the State of Texas, the Royse City Schools, the Royse City Police, the Rockwall County Sheriff Dept., and others to conspire together against my family, but it is all true and provable.
In Rockwall County Texas ( approximate population of 10,000 people), the police, crime watch,the state of Texas employees, and the judges employees,lived on my street and in my neighborhood, and were family members, friends, etc. to each other, making it effortless to aid one another in the revenge harassment of one man.
The authorities have caused unbelievable hardships for many in the town of Royse City, Texas, including, but not limited to, illegal jail terms and prison time...

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word no spinningpolice brutality jpgthe word no spinning

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I am forty five years old with no police record;
I have never used drugs or alcohol and I consider myself a decent law abiding citizen.

You have my permission to check any of our files, and please check files in Rockwall County evidencing this judge and Rockwall County's illegal system!
After twenty five years of marriage, and being married at the age of 17 years old, my husband and I divorced. We are the parents of three grown children.
All three have birth defects. One child has malformed feet and legs. A different child has mild MR. Another child lives with multiple defects. We had two other babies that deceased before our living children were born, while carrying them. We understand that the fathers' and my blood was incompatible and therefore caused malformations.

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During the illegal searches of my home, the police became aware of a certain closet that is always kept locked and they asked me why it was locked.

I explained that the closet is kept locked because it contains the prescription medication that my one of my children takes. I have two grandchildren and I don't think that medication should be placed where a child may find it. The policeman, Officer Charles Hall, took the door off the hinges and in the process damaged the doorframe and wall due to his lack of education on remodeling, as they had destroyed many doors and walls in my home during other illegal searches.

My son, Chad Bennett, was sentenced to  prison for what was labeled a "burglary of a habitat" which in reality was not a burglary.

In reality this boy had been given the key to the home by his friend Toby Almond's  girlfriend, Kathleen Quigley whom lived in this home, to stay there until she got home... without her daddy's knowledge.
Kathleen Quigley even went to the District Attorney in Rockwall County immedictely after my son and Toby Almond was accused of burgularizing her home and she told the DA that they DID NOT BURGULARIZE the home and she had given Toby the pass key to stay in her home until she returned from vacation in new York. The DA had this evidence and told her to leave and not tell a soul of her admittance of this. He wanted that desperately to put my son in prison knowing full well that Kathleen said he did not burgularize her home!
My son was charged with burglary because the D.A wanted to "get my son".Read my story.. How it all began...

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Children are God's way of saying:
The world should go on!!
