International copyright laws apply. As a sovereign nation, Fort Apache Indian Reservation has its own laws which include photography restrictions. Photographs appearing on these pages may not be downloaded nor otherwise reproduced, altered or distributed without prior written consent of the photographer and/or The White Mountain Apache Tribe. The FBI have jurisdiction throughout the United States and its territories for sovereign Indian nations.
Thank you for visiting my web site!
I've been told that it takes about 90-minutes to read every page but, thanks to yahoo!, that is no longer possible!
Although yahoo! continue to encourage me to add more photos and more pages, all you would be able to see are advertisements with the yahoo! message:
When this site was established in 1997, it rapidly became the #1 source for Apache information and conversation. Amazon, Border Books, et al were delighted to place advertisements on my pages, and geocities were delighted with the revenue.
yahoo! was established not to provide a service to anyone, but simply to satisfy the greed of its founders, and they were NOT satisfied with just advertising revenue! yahoo! insist I also pay them a monthly fee for eternity!
yahoo! have never paid me one penny for producing the photos and web pages which attracted those lucrative advertisers who put money in yahoo! pockets, so I don't see any reason why I should also pay yahoo! to pocket profits they make entirely from MY work, do you?
The consequences of yahoo! greed are obvious: you can't see the web pages, so advertisers are not getting the advertising deal they purchased from yahoo!
In addition, because webcrawlers also can't read the pages, aol, google, lycos, msn, and other search engines and web sites deleted their links to these pages, again reducing the number of people who might see those advertisements.
Our concept of law is based on "a reasonable man", and a reasonable man could only conclude yahoo!'s broadband restriction is a blatant attempt to extort money from geocities websites and advertisers.
If you agree, please let your congressional representatives know!
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The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later."
On November 15, 2005, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia decided it was "unreasonable" to account for more than $100 billion in oil, gas, grazing, timber and other royalties collected and "misplaced" by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, since 1887.
Is there any doubt in your mind that the U.S. Government, under the direction of President George W. Bush, is continuing to steal Native American resources, and continues to excuse itself for the theft?
n.b. ~ The "archaeological seasons" for East-Central Arizona begin with the earliest recognized occupation, "The PaleoIndian Period" about 9,500 B.C.
The "Archaic Period" expands from 8,500 B.C. to 300 A.D., with two "complexes" identified:
The "Mogollon Period" (300-1450 A.D.) encompasses:
Oshara Tradition ~ Anasazi culture
Cochise Culture ~ Mogollon culture300-500 Hilltop
500-700 Cottonwood
700-900 Forestdale
900-1000 Corydory
1000-1100 Dry Valley
1100-1200 Carrizo
1200-1300 Linden
1300-1400 Pinedale
1400-1500 Canyon Creek
Photos of everyday life on Fort Apache Indian Reservation. | |
Four Apache faces (slideshow) |
2008 Sunrise Ceremony Schedule |
Rodeo and cowboy life on Fort Apache Indian Reservation. | |
Photos of petroglyphs on Fort Apache Indian Reservation | |
Photos of free spirits on Fort Apache Indian Reservation. | |
Understanding Geronimo's power. | |
A Mask for Halloween | |
To see readers comments and URLs. | |
2009 Sunrise Ceremony Schedule |
To return to the front page. | |
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