47 Dark Poems, Rants in a Gothic Tone

Isolation Thirst -- love poem inspired by a dream I had
Eternal Cycles -- sedate, numinous love sonnet

Save Me -- anguished, passionate love sonnet
Symmetry -- formal poem of love found and lost
Saviour -- anguished love poem in free verse

Fabricating Hope -- love song of an incubus
Beneath a Stone -- darkly seductive poem

Nursing Old Wounds -- formal lover's lament, (by the way, [deeply] embedded.)
Love By Candlelight -- strangely erotic "convolutionary" poem (PG)
Life Without Her -- "convolutionary" love poem

Dream Come True Shattered --self-parody goth poem about a one night stand
The Ultimate Thrill -- abstract erotic poem with strange sexy rythm [PG]
Passion Without Flesh -- erotic anacrostic poem contains no adjectives [PG]
Tonight -- erotic poem about a slow comfortable screw [PG]

Everything is an End -- strange dark love song
Lord of Death -- supernatural stalker
Parking Violation -- surreal images of violation and filth
Hunting Shadows -- dream in Europe about lover waiting back home
Stretched -- blurry drunken escapade at a punk bar ends on meditative note
Abducted by the Wind -- confronts the fragility of life and innocence

List of Memories -- meditation on lost innocence, taking a new pose half a generation ago.
Another Place -- short dark poem for Bernie, showing how depression can be sexy
Sorrow Is a Sort of Joy -- quirky hangover poem with a cynical surprise ending
Enclosed Please Find Silence -- teen poem of isolation and unrequited love. I WROTE IN
The Flower -- ballad compares seduction to favored blossom
Sunrise -- mystical early morning stroll: assonance and consonance abound
The Verge -- Freudian riff on vagina dentata/castration anxiety
An Ecstatic Nightmare -- poem about losing your identity in your mate [R for language]
The Ought n' Aught Thought -- apocalyptic James Joyce-inspired cityscape. Only for whipper
A Smile of Bone -- rant against masks and shallow folk
Civil War -- anguished rant about a freshman teen infatuation
Chastity's Brood -- convolutionary indictment of the clergy
Denial Crumbles -- lost love, bowel movement
Foundering -- post-apoclyptic dystopia destroys innocence while Senior draws political parallels
-- repetition poem about the geometry of dating: simple yet resonant
Watching Her Dreams -- insomniac cuddles
Mystery -- mystical haiku sequence. The momement you open your mouth, you get further from the truth.
Ticking -- "convolutionary" poem about dissatisfaction in love, collaboration
We're Always Searching -- poem about defeatism; only idiots steal this shit!
To Teach Ease -- "convolutionary" poem about furtive romance with bizarre sound effects
The Doorbell -- poem about nothing. Wish it would just go away.

Nocturne I -- short sinister lonely nightscape, the decay of angels
Nocturne II -- short nightscape alone with companion
Spectral Cooling Cycle -- from repose to anger, emotions follow a colored spectrum ROYGBIV
Braced -- short unsettling abstract gothic advice
Morning -- short poem vilifying bright daylight
I Will -- teasing while urging patience

All Poems by Jason Paul Fox

read my blog here


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