47 Dark Poems, Rants in a Gothic Tone
Thirst -- love poem inspired by
a dream I had
Eternal Cycles
-- sedate, numinous love sonnet
Save Me -- anguished, passionate
love sonnet
Symmetry -- formal poem of love found
and lost
Saviour -- anguished love poem in
free verse
Fabricating Hope
-- love song of an incubus
Beneath a Stone
-- darkly seductive poem
Nursing Old Wounds --
formal lover's lament, (by the way, [deeply] embedded.)
Love By Candlelight
-- strangely erotic "convolutionary" poem (PG)
Life Without Her
-- "convolutionary" love poem
Dream Come True Shattered
--self-parody goth poem about a one night stand
The Ultimate Thrill
-- abstract erotic poem with strange sexy rythm [PG]
Passion Without
-- erotic anacrostic poem contains no adjectives [PG]
Tonight -- erotic poem about a slow
comfortable screw [PG]
All Poems by Jason Paul Fox