My Trip To China

began in Beijing, the capital city and with over seven
million inhabitants, the second largest city. Here we visited the Forbidden
city and Tiananmen Square. This vast square was fairly quiet when we were
there but my sister found a group of children  to whom she was able to give
souvenir pencils from Canada.

We approached the Ming tombs from along the Sacred Way with it's avenue of

Then it was off to see the Great Wall ,most of which was built in the late
15th century during the Ming Dynasty. It was intended as a barrier along the
north border of China to keep out invading armies. It is over 1500
kilometers long. As I climbed up it's rough ,uneven steps ,I wondered how
many men died as they labored here in the hot sun.


Along the way I met some
delightful teenagers who seemed to feel it was an honour  to have their
pictures  taken with a grey haired old lady from Canada.


Yes ,they got some
souvenir pencils too. They gave us each a peach and some salty Chinese candy.

Near Xian is the large site of the Terra Cotta Army where the dig is still
ongoing .This is an area of more than three acres and there is still much
to be uncovered



It is believed that there are more than 6000 figures of
soldiers all with individual features which have been guarding the tomb of
Emperor Qin Shihuangdi from the time of his death in 210 BC till they were
discovered quite by accident in 1974.

A farmer was digging a well and along
with the dirt he unearthed the head of one of the figures. Now he sits in
the gift shop and signs his name to any books you might buy. My sister and I
shook his hand and we all bowed to each othe

The Yangtze River is undergoing massive changes .A huge dam is being
constructed near Yichang  which will be the largest electricity generating
facility in the world when completed in 2009.It will create a lake 400
miles long ,and will raise the level of the river by 175 meters. It will
also displace over on million people. We took a cruise through the locks and
Three Gorges.


It is sad to think that this peaceful scene will soon be gone
forever. But this is progress and the electricity is needed.


Shanghai, the largest city with over 10 million, is bursting with life and

 Can you see my sister in the crowd?


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