The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. is an organisation formed in 1995 whose object is to support the Constitutional Monarchy.

Members are drawn from people of every ethnic background, various political affiliations and many occupations.

The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. was founded in the belief that history and contemporary experience alike prove that Constitutional Monarchy has been, is, and will continue to be of inestimable value in establishing the stability, welfare and dignity of all countries.

The League holds the conviction that Monarchy is the best form of leadership for all nations, and in the interest of all peoples. The stability and political impartiality inherent in a soundly-based monarchy secures to its people freedom from civil or military dictatorship, and ensures a genuine concern for the welfare of the entire community.

Some politicians, forgetting the history and principles upon which New Zealand is based, have wished to repudiate the Monarchy, in their attempt to produce a new style New Zealand. Their attacks on the symbols and substance of the Crown produced a spontaneous public reaction in its defence. Out of this The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. was born.

It soon became evident that the great majority of New Zealanders did not wish to lose the Monarchy. However, they needed a strong, forward-looking organisation, proud of New Zealand's traditions, to make this clear to republican-minded bureaucrats and transient politicians, and to assist loyal civil servants and political leaders in positive measures to strengthen the Monarchy.

Much lost ground remains to be recovered. As New Zealand develops a new economic relationship with Asia, it is vital that we strengthen our Monarchy and other institutions to preserve and enhance our identity.

The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. is independent of any political party or group, and prejudice against any section of the community, even those who are the declared enemies of the Monarchy, has no place in its policy or programme.



To bring together New Zealanders of diverse ethnic backgrounds, political affiliations, religious loyalties and varied occupations in order to promote loyalty and respect for the Sovereign of New Zealand and understanding of the Constitutional Monarchy.

To promote, and engage in, the study of the Monarchy, and the roles of the Crown in the New Zealand system of democratic government.

To foster appreciation of the value of the Monarchy amongst students and to promote its study in educational institutions.

To inform the New Zealand public of the contemporary and historical importance of the Monarchy for the New Zealand identity through displays, speakers, festivals, media appearances, publications, and related activities.

To defend royal prerogatives, to ensure that they are not further eroded, so enabling the Monarch to be truly the font of Justice and Honour, and so protect the liberty of the subject from political and bureaucratic encroachments.

To counter criticism of the Monarchy or of the person of the Sovereign in the press, radio and television, or from whatever source it may come.



Public opinion does make a difference. Write letters supporting or defending the monarchy to the newspapers, magazines, and politicians.

Encourage local schools to present an informed programme of study about the monarchy.

Ask you minister to include prayers for the Queen and the Royal Family in every service.

Insist that "God Save The Queen" be sung whenever "God Defend New Zealand" is sung.

Encourage the celebration of royal anniversaries, such as Queen's Birthday.

Suggest that streets, public buildings or new projects be named after the Queen.

See that buildings and monuments with royal associations are kept in good repair.

Present pictures of the Queen.

Join The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc.



The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc. holds periodic social functions for members, organises occasional public lectures on issues of interest to members, and produces a series of pamphlets containing information on various aspects of the Monarchy.

It also conducts campaigns to preserve the position of the Monarchy against threats to its position, by seeking to inform the general public, and ensuring that policy-makers are aware of the importance of the Monarchy in the eyes of the people.

Members also receive a regular newsletter called Monarchy New Zealand


Monarchy New Zealand

The Monarchist League of New Zealand produces a quarterly journal for its members, Monarchy New Zealand. This contains news about the Monarchy, and about the activities of the League. It also contains longer articles on various aspects of the Monarchy. The latest edition of Monarchy New Zealand can be seen on another page of this website.



Members join as individuals, joint members (same family resident at same address), or student (attending educational institution full-time and under 25 years of age. Fees are currently NZ$20, NZ$25 and NZ$12 respectively, payable by cheque to the Membership Officer, 123 Stanley Road, Glenfield, Auckland 1310, New Zealand. Overseas members pay an additional NZ$10, and payment must be in New Zealand dollars.

© 2002 The Monarchist League of New Zealand, Inc.

