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Moon, The Millionaire

PART-1 | PART-2 | PART-3

Moon, The Millionaire ~What did you get for your birthday? Was it a nice sweater, a new tie, a nice dinner, gift certificate for a popular store? Maybe several of these? Everyone wants something special for their birthday, don't they? As evidenced in the quote below, so does Rev. Moon:

Excerpt of speech: Sun Myung Moon
Belvedere International Training Center
October 24, 1999

"My 80th birthday will be one of a kind in God's dispensation, because a new millennium begins from that point. So we need to invest every effort to make a gift. Isn't this wrong, for a parent to talk to his children about what to give him? But you will be humiliated and punished if you do not do it and I want you to become the best possible men and women. When we go over this hill, if anyone has more wealth than I do, you will be stuck there."

~Well, most of us wouldn't demand that others give us the best possible gift, and most of us wouldn't threaten humility and punishment for a gift not being good enough, but then most of us are not the "messiah" and this word seems to justify Moon in everything he does or says. And his followers listen to what he says too. Don't believe me? Have a look at how they responded to Moon's threats. Below are four "gifts" Moon is receiving from his hard working followers for his 80th Birthday this year, which are particularly noteworthy.

What's Moon Getting For His Birthday?

  1. BMW 750
  2. Mercedes s500
  3. A New Magnificent Palace with Marble Floors on a huge lake in Korea

    Oh yeah, and did I mention...

  4. A Fully Customized Private Jet Plane From Japan

~Not bad, as birthday's go, huh? But let me assure you, Sun Myung Moon is not a man that cares at all about money. No, really. Sure, a couple of brand new cars and a regal palace and a jet plane, are nifty and all, but Moon is really trying to bring peace and happiness to the world, not just make lots of money for himself. At least that is what the Unification Church members believe. They actually believe that Moon is not really happy at all that he lives a life of wealth and luxury. In fact, Moon is diligently working to save starving Africans, and luxury cars and palaces and jet planes are merely tools he needs to accomplish that feat. They believe that. Not because it is reasonable for an intelligent person to believe such a lie and an obvious contradiction, but they believe it for one reason, and one reason only: Moon said so! That's good enough for them.

Here is an excerpt of one of Rev. Moon's (Father) unbelievably ridiculous comments given in a speech to his members:

The Grand Clean Up Period In The History Of Good And Evil
by Sun Myung Moon
June 23, 1996
Belvedere--International Training Center
Translator--Peter Kim

You women want to change your clothing every day. The animals don't change their clothing every day. We have to learn a lesson from them. It is good to have people sell their excess clothing and donate the money to those people who are starving. That is good. Every day up to 60,000 people are dying of starvation. Mothers who have many children are all dying together because of lack of food. Yet we Americans do not feel their sorrow and pain as we sit here comfortably. That is why we are in the position to receive punishment. But Father has been preparing to save these people for the past thirty or forty years. Father even tells Mother that when she goes to the bathroom, only flush the toilet after three times of use. This way we can conserve water.

By saving money in this way Father wants to give money to Africa. If you maintain this kind of tradition and spirit in your house then your family will prosper. When Father returns home he takes off his socks. The reason he does so is to save the wear and tear on his socks. When Father stays at hotels for public speeches, these hotels provide good and luxurious towels in all different sizes. Father never touches the large towels. He only uses the small towel and wash cloth. He leaves the others untouched. American people waste far too much. How can we compensate for this kind of waste. While we are wasting this kind of material in our lives here, millions of people are dying. How can we compensate for this?

When Father speaks to you like this for many hours his underclothes become completely soaked. Yet if Father keeps them on for a few hours in a cool place they dry out and he can wear them for three days without changing. Mother notices that and takes them away from Father to put in the laundry bag. But Father sometimes goes there and takes the clothing out again. That is the kind of spirit Father is explaining to you here. Father doesn't care what others think of him for wearing underwear for several days without changing. His motivation is to save the world. Do you understand this spirit?

~Well, I suppose it is possible, as Moon says above, that he only lets his wife flush their toilet every third time they use it, to save water (Yuck!) and I suppose it is possible that Moon really wears the same underwear for three days in a row (Yuck!) so he can save laundry money for starving Africans, but you many more starving Africans could Moon feed if he:






~That would save a heck of alot more money than dirty underwear, don't you think? But, then logic shows us clearly that Moon couldn't give a hoot about starving people, and he enjoys well, his very exhorbitant and wealthy lifestyle. But is he really wealthy? The answer is..."Maybe." Let me explain:

Is Moon Really Wealthy?

Me Standing In Front Of One Of Moon's Mansions ~There is only one reason....well, maybe several, that this question is complicated. There is no doubt that Sun Myung Moon lives a life of luxury comparable with the elite of our world. He eats off the finest china, drinks from the best crystal, is chauferred in expensive luxury cars, and has mansions costing tens of millions of dollars spread all throughout the world. I have been to 4 of his mansions in America and one in Korea, and he has many many more. There is also no doubt that Moon controls probably billions of dollars in funds and properties throughout the world. One Of Moon's FactoriesHe has been described as a multi-millionaire Korean industrialist because he owns factories that produce everything from Military Weapons and Steel to Automobiles and Ships. The question is "How much of it does he own personally?" That is the complicated part. Moon has cleverly and carefully hidden his money and investments by combining them in his religious organizations. In fact, for Moon, money and religion are inseparable. Politics too. For Moon, everything he does is "religious" and his tax-exempt churches in many nations have helped conceal much. Let me give an example how this works:



Which Owns:


Which Owns:


Which Owns:


~Ok, so The Unification Church owns businesses which in turn own The Washington Times Newspaper, we already knew that, didn't we? No. No one said: "The Unification Church". The first name on our list above is Unification Church International. That is not a "church", or even a "non-profit group", but instead, it is a For-Profit Holding Company located in Falls Church, Virginia.

So, who owns U.C.I.? Well, that is a jealously guarded secret. As a private holding company it does not have to disclose that information to the public. Yet in speeches, Moon claims that he is the one that has poured nearly one billion dollars into the Washington Times. Now you can see why it gets complicated. And Moon likes it that way.

Where Does The Money Come From?

Rev. Moon poses in front of posters of himself ~I have to laugh, every time I hear the old tale that goes something like this: "Sun Myung Moon began a new religious movement that rose from obscurity in America into a major presence in this nation in only a few short years. A remarkable achievement."

Pardon me for a moment....HA HA HA HA, AHHH, HA HA HEE HEE !!! Sorry, I just couldn't contain it any longer. Why is that so funny? Because Moon and his comrades, like to present the image of a tiny little movement rising from nothing, with little help, as if God just came right down from heaven himself and raised this poor little church from nothingness into a major force in American society. The little known reality, is that Moon was already a multi-millionaire before he ever step foot on American soil. He rented out huge venues like Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Gardens and many more, where he gave speeches surrounded by elaborate and expensive decorations, banners and all the trappings. Millions of dollars were poured into these events. Buses (dozens of them) were rented and used to bring people from the communities into the stadiums to fill the seats and give the appearance of a successful crusade-type religious event. Oh, and did I mention that a little bit of money was spent on Public Relations for these events?

Here is a quote from a 1974 speech Moon made to members:

The Person Of Central Value
by Sun Myung Moon
Barrytown, New York
August 16,1974
Master Speaks
Translated by Mrs. Won Pok Choi

Our focal point is to arouse the attention of the American people and have the nation of America back us up by recognizing us. If we are successful in the Madison Square Garden project, the whole nation of America cannot take us lightly. For our public relations aspect, we are using a company which is very successful in its line, and are spending almost $300,000.00 dollars for that.

~Well, we can debate on other aspects of Moon's religion, but you have to agree that when you rent Yankee Stadium and dozens of buses to bring people in, and take out full page ads in major newspapers, and to top it all off, put out $300,000 bucks for some professional PR...well, gee? You should stir up some attention, huh?

Yes indeed. Moon was not going to clunk into America like a nobody. Moon had already become rich from businesses in Korea that were very successful and had established a strong presence in Japan. Businesses were raking in millions of dollars, and church members were forking over donations, and Moon was ready now to take America by storm too! In Part-3 we will discuss how it all started.

So factories and businesses are the money source?

Factories in Korea only represent part of Moon's enormous money-machine. It has long been suspected that one of the primary sources of church funds come from Japan. Moon has a large membership of devoted followers in Japan, which one newspaper article estimated at 600,000 followers. If the Unification Church was the one supplying the figures to the media, then I would expect that those numbers were exagerated. Still, assuming even 1/10th of that amount, if Moon has even 60,000 followers in Japan, they are capable of collecting enormous funds for Moon's projects and his own wealthy lifestyle. Just what are they capable of? ...

PART-2 The Japanese Connection



Moon, The Millionaire
Who Is In Moon's Pocket?
Infiltrating Christian Churches
Moon & Conservative Politics
Dancing With The Underworld


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