Tiwahe Mitawa
(c)1974 Akwesasne Notes. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint required. (c)1974 Akwesasne Notes. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint required.
Wambli Wakan
Oscar Bear Runner
Porcupine SD

Photo Taken from Voices of Wounded Knee, a biographical account of the famous 1973 protest. My Grandfather was a warrior who helped the Oglala Lakota people restore pride in ourselves. Grandpa O.B. is shown here as a guard during the May 1973 negotions between the Independent Oglala Nation, The American Indian Movement and the US Government.
Above: Grandpa OB embraces his newly adopted son Stan Holder, Wichita Indian from Oklahoma during the 1973 occupation at Wounded Knee. Uncle Stan was adopted Traditional way by my grandmother Grace and grandfather.
Due to the conditions at Pine Ridge in the 1970s, my parents struggled against many obstacles. But because of those conditions, my parents were forced to separate. My brother and I were taken in by my mothers parents: Oscar and Grace Bear Runner. We also stayed with my fathers mother Sophia Romero sometimes. But we always had fun. We are very grateful that we had loving grandparents who supported us.  One day, we know we as grandparents may have to do the same for our future grandchildren.
Oglala Lakota

At Right:
Here is a photo taken of me while I was being interviewed by Lisa Jones, a reporter from High Country News in 1995.  At the time, I was learning how to grow an organic garden. Thanks to Oglala Lakota College for the Organic Gardening project.

At Left: Photo taken with a good Kola named REDSOUL. A native Rap Hip Hop star who also is with the AIM Chapter in Southern Cal. Really Cool.
At Left: My Oldest Daughter Kimi and My Son Dace

Kimimila Win is my oldest daughter. Her name means "Butterfly Woman". Its a real special name for a special person in my life. Here she holds a cradle board containing Dace, her younger Brother (my son).  Kimimila Win and Dace are really cool. They have the best of two worlds, the Lakota World and the Anishnabe world. .
Taylor J. Quiver - 2004 photo
At Right:

Taylor is younger than Dace. He is very thoughtful, inquisitive which makes him extremely intelligent.  My guess is that he will be among the Oglala Lakota Nation's greatest minds. Taylor likes baseball, football, and basketball, like there was a wide variety of other sporting events to choose from on this rez... 2004 photo.
Megan Marie and Jaimie Reed Quiver - 2004 Photo
At Left:
Megan Marie and Jaimie

My youngest children. Oglala Lakota Children posing for this beautiful picture in 2004 on the rez. Meg wants to be a Princess and Jim wants to be a "good boy" when they grow up!.
Megan at 2005 Kindergarten Graduation at Porcupine
Megan graduated in 2005 from Kindergarten
Kimimila's latest photo.
She is a freshman and plans to attend college. Aready!!
I'll have more photos soon...
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