<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/creighton_ca/lvlymoly.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Canada & USA
Over the past few hundred years Canada and the US have been a landing area for immigrants from the old colonial powers. The United Kingdom shipping off thousands of people to North America who then found themselves winding their way through the territories to take up residence only to leave their mark on the local area in the form of name giving. Finding the name Creighton/Crichton is not too difficult in North America, in as much as the name crops up in all areas.

Starting on the shores of Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, Canada, there is to be found an island that is known by some locals as
Creighton  or Crichton Island. No longer inhabited this island was formely occupied by some 15 families and a lobster cannery. Below is a link to a map showing the location of this treasured piece of herratige, plus pictures.

Across the province the name crops up as street and park names in such cities as Halifax and Dartmouth. Legend has it that when Halifax was founded in 1749 by Edward Cornwallis,. one of the pasengers on the ship carrying Mr Cornwallis, and the first ashore, was a  16 year old
James Creighton. Born in 1733 in Somerset England James was granted a portion of Citadel Hill which he later sold. One of his daughters, Mary Creighton, married a Captain James Crichton and there exists today both Creighton & Crichton streets in Halifax. One of Canadas greatest known authors Dr. Helen Creighton, a writer of folklore and also a Nova Scotian, decended from these Creightons
(The page melody is one collected by Dr Helen Creighton - go to the link at the base of the page)

In Sudbury, Ontario there is to be found a mineral mine known as
Creighton Mine. This mine is situated in the Ghost town of Creighton which no longer exists. It was torn down in 1988 after surviving since it's foundation as a mining town in the 1920's.

Further west in Saskatchewan there is the town o
f Creighton and further north west there is a Creighton Creek River (a name that also crops up in Australia).

All in all the name
Creighton is more prevalent in North America than in its homelands of the British Isles.
The Ghost Town of Creighton Ontario
Visit Crichton Island Nova Scotia
The Creighton area in Saskatchewan
The History of Creighton Saskatchewan
The Hector - transporting Scotts and Irish to Pictou, (New Scotland) - Nova Scotia
Here is the link to the Pictou Passenger List at
Crichton Island, Cape Breton
Creighton Mine - Ontario, Canada
Creighton Cemetery Mount  Thom, New Scotland
Finding Creighton Cemetery was very strange ... seeing so many Creighton’s in one place brought images of the first travelers from the old land coming here and setting up life amidst the forests and wilderness.
Creighton family seemed to have experienced some grave losses at varying points in their history from illness to accidental drowning. Not all of the graves are Creighton, there are also MacWilliam and Stuarts to name a couple.
All of the headstones shown here are from this
Creighton family
Creighton Missouri
History of Creighton MO
Creighton Nebraska
Creighton South Dekota
Across the border in the USA there is to be found not one but five towns named Creighton. In Knox County, Nebraska a town by the name of Creighton appears as there is also to be found the town of Creighton in Georgia just outside of Atlanta. In South Dekota not too far from Rapid City as well as Missouri  towns carrying our name arise from the dust.. Even in Florida in the county of Volusia there is the town of Creighton. Across North America there are schools, churches and universities to be found http://www.creighton.edu carrying our treasured name as well.
In addition there is to be found a
Creighton Island in Georgia.
Creighton Island Georgia USA - http://www1.arcl.ed.ac.uk/arch/remotesense/georgia/vazquez.html
It is not just North America who has captured the title  but Jamaica too can boast a Creighton Hall.

In South Africa yet another town
Creighton clutches to the face of our planet.
Mike Scott-Williams and William Jervios write .."
Creighton is a small village in Natal, about 16 miles in towards the Drakensburg as the crow flies, from Ixopo. Ixopo is on the main road between Pietermaritzburg and Kokstad. In the early days it was known as Dronk Vlei, which translates to Drunk Marsh. The name is derived from the semi-poisonous grass growing there, which made grazing animals lightheaded!
In March 1865, a Doctor Sutherland surveyed a town layout at this spot, butit wasn't until 1905, that the place was thrown open to settlement. It wasrenamed
Creighton after the family name of Lady McCallum, the wife of theGovernor of Natal. It is in a farming area, mostly maize and cattle."
South Africa
I like food and hope that one day I get the opportunity of checking out these places ... that is if I can tear myself away from my weekend retreat in Hawaii!
Napali Maui Hawaii Creighton Vacation Home
Restaruant Creighton - Holland
Creighton Hotel Clones, Co Monaghanin, Ireland
Creighton Hotel in London England
Hotel Creighton - Creighton town USA Creighton Residence Los Angeles
Music ... "Lovely Molly" ....
This is a Canadian Ballad collected by Helen Creighton and is in her book "Maritime Folk Songs"
The above links are provided to endorse my research and not as an advert for commercial gain. Anyone providing information with regards the subject matter will be mentioned