Some Events in Scottish History as a Time Line

-5000BC First people in Scotland are hunter gatherers along the coasts. Inland the country is dense forest
-4000BC First farmers begin to clear forests, grow cereals and keep animals
Copper and bronze are being used
-400BC~ Brochs and Duns - defensive stone 'castles' built
-117~ Ninth Roman Legion destroyed in Galloway
-122 Work begins on Hadrian's Wall across Northumbria just across 'the border' in England
-142~ Antonine Wall built Clyde to Forth
-211 Severus pulls out. Dies on way south at York. Romans don't return in force
-430 St Ninian, a Briton brings Christianity to S Scotland
-6thC Scots, Celts from Ireland arrive in West
-563 Iona religious centre founded by Columba
-700~ Celtic Church is replaced by Roman
Norwegian settlement of Shetland, Orkney and Caithness
-843 The Scots king Kenneth obtains the Pictish throne
-1034 Scotland unites under Duncan I
-1040 Macbeth replaces Duncan & rules until 1057
-1130~ David I (1124-53) establishes Anglo Norman families and a fuedal system
-1263 Alexander III defeats Haco of Norway at Largs. Hebrides and I. of Man ceded to Scotland
'Political crisis' with unclear succession after death of Margeret and imperialist aims of Edward I of England
-1296 Edward of England steals 'a stone' from Scone
-1297 William Wallace's greatest hour, the battle of Stirling Bridge
-1306 Robert I (the Bruce) crowned king
-1314 Robert I has a particularly good mid-summer's day at Bannockburn
-1320 Declaration of Arbroath, confirmation of Scottish Statehood in a letter to the Pope (which later strongly influences the US Declaration of Independence)
-1410 First University founded at St Andrews
-15thC Scotland becomes a significant trading nation with Netherlands and the Baltic states
-16thC More and more Scots adopting Protestant Calvinist views
-1513 Disasterous battle of Flodden in which James IV dies against Henry VIII of England
-1561 Catholic Mary I (M Q of Scots) returns from France and begins power struggle with Protestant nobles. Catholic mass is illegal in Scotland at the time except in Mary's private quarters
-1568 Mary I flees to England
-1603 James VI inherits England
-1642 Civil war within England. Scotland has no obligation to become involved in the war.
-1644 Scotland enters English war on Parliament side in return for Presbyterian Protestant system in England (which never happens)
-1644 Marquis of Montrose begins vicious & largely unsupported Royalist campaign in Scotland
-1650 Invasion and occupation of Scotland by Oliver Cromwell of England
-1660 Charles II restored and threatens Presbyterian Church causing a series of religious wars
-1685 James VII crowned but seen to threaten Protestantism further
-1688 Crown offered to Willian IV (of Orange) and Mary.
-1692 Massacre of Glencoe on William's orders to 'make and example'
1700 Darien Venture to colonise Panama as trading base. Spanish claim territory and William IV prevents English Carribean help being given. Scotland bankrupt encouraging Union with England.
-1707 Scottish & English parliaments and economies unite
-1715 Jacobite Highland uprising to restore James VII
-1744 First golf club formed in Edinburgh.
-1745 Jacobite uprising with Prince Charles Edward Stuart
-1746 Battle of Culloden and the beginning of decades of Highland suppression
-1770 Work begins to make Glasgow reachable from sea. Eventually becoming 2nd city of British Empire
-1786 'Model' textile complex and industrial community at New Lanark
The Scottish Highlands change dramatically in the Clearances. Huge flocks of sheep replace most of the population and their way of life
-1812 Comet, the first steam ship launched on the Cldye
-1842 Glasgow / Edinburgh railway opens
-1843 Massive 'walk out' and Free Church of Scotland forms
-1879 Tay Rail Bridge collapses with a train, 150 die
-1887 Scottish Office, Scotland's 'government' opens
-1890 Forth Rail Bridge opens
1914 to
The Great War - death and maiming of a whole generation.
-1919 Tanks used to suppress Red Clydeside riots
-1920s The Great Depression follows a short boom
-1929 Most Scottish Protestant Churches eventually join again
1939 to
Second World War
-1949 2.5M Scots sign Covenant supporting Home  Rule
-1964 Forth Road Bridge opens
-1974 Scottish National Party win 11 seats in parliament
-1975 Scotland becomes a oil producing country
-1998 Scottish people vote overhelmingly for own parliament with limited powers within the UK
-2000 Scotland ... where to now .....?