<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/creighton_ca/maryscot.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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History of the  Creighton name!
Clan Crichton Website - Lawson K. Stevenson.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
Creighton~Poore Homepage
General Origin of The
Creighton Name
In the Dreaming .....James Harris Creighton.
Ida & Edith Creighton .......
Craton, Crayton, Creighton... Which Spelling Is Correct? How some Cratons get their name .....John Craton -
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My thanks go out to all thoes who have provided me with information relating to subject matter. Below is a list of people whos work and interest in this field of our history enables people like myself to put together such sites as this one: .......
Al Creighton
Don Creighton
James Harris Creighton
Lorraine Creighton
Don & Mike Crichton
Ingrid Creyghton
Patrik Crichton

Don Cameron
Don Silvius
Glen Diggdon
Rose Delores
Mike Scott-William
William Jevios
Jos Grupping
Mona Dunlap Gay

To be continued .........
Music .... "Mary Queen of Scotts Lament" .... http://www.contemplator.com/folk6/maryscot.html