<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/creighton_ca/jam.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Anyone for LEGO ........ 
This site offers an unofficial LEGO interpretation of
Crichton Castle .... it includes plans and close up pictures of the finished product. "Son where's your LEGO blocks"
Action Hero Commander Crichton - "Farscape" 
From Jim Hensons Sci-Fi series "Farscape" come the characters action figures, and amoungst them is
Commander Crichton. I'm not sure what I thought when I found this site .... "action hero eh... where were you when I was playing with Action Man"! Well I guess the Crichtons should be recognized for their contributions in more ways than one ... after all the Crichtons do have a real life astronaut, so here's to the Crichtons. There's not many people who have action figures made in their like!
Thunderbirds Are Go!
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward
I was brought up on Thunderbirds and still find it amazing .... yes I know I'm showing my age ... but Thunderbirds was way ahead of its time. What I didn't know though is that Lady Penelope is a Creighton-Ward!
My thank to Jos Grupping for bringing this to my attention.
In the World of Sport Creightons make waves!
"The Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre in conjunction with the bicentennial celebrations of King's-Edgehill School, Windsor, Nova Scotia, today announced new documented evidence which once again names Windsor, Nova Scotia, as the birthplace of Canadian hockey in the early 1800's." - this quote is from a local paper.
J.G.A. Creighton (1850-1930)
J.G.A. Creighton (1850-1930) of Halifax, Nova Scotia is credited with introducing hockey to Montreal with Halifax rules where the first game under organized rules was played in 1875.
From the origins of Canadian Ice Hockey in the early 1800's to ice hockey of today .... the Creighton's play on. Below Adam Creighton of the US Black Hawkes.
William Creighton
shown here in 1912 ... William played for the Quebec Bulldogs.
Dave Creighton Toronto Maple Leafs 1960/61
Anyone for golf ..... ? Crichton Golf Club in Dumfries is a 9 hole Parkland Course.!
Creighton Nebraska is the home of the Creighton Bluejays - go visit their home page:
"Jim Creighton is acknowledged as the first professional baseball player." James was a star pitcher for the Brooklyn Excelsiors and was the first player to be paid for playing baseball.
The hills are alive with the sound of ...

Alan Crichton from Scotland could arrange a mountain climbing trip to Mount Creighton in New Zealand.
This is an actual picture from Mount Crichton in New Zealand. Not far from this mountain emerges another by the name of Mount Creighton.
Creighton Stuff!
Eggs and dairy products from: Creighton Brothers - Hobart & Russel Creighton of Atwood, Indiana.
How many people have their own milk bottles? I guess that must make us the cream of the crop!
.... but look we have two .... yeah!
This flower carries the name of Crichton-Honey I'll have to get some of these I guess!
Any one for tea? ... this is apparently a Creighton design tea cup
This plate depicts the Creighton High School in Nebraska.
Apparently this is an RCA radio called a  Creighton Brown!
Creighton of USA are a well known military clothing manufacturer
A Creighton design sofa ... how relaxing!
The name of this house design is Creighton Manor … and very distinguished it is as well!
The Jam on Gerry's Rocks
Lesley Nelson-Burns