<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/creighton_ca/edinburg.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to the site of
This site is dedicated to the memory of James Creighton who left us this year 2005. He has been an inspiration to me in the making of this site and provided many insightful elements. His work is indeed being carried on by both family and friends and hopefully we will see the fruits f his and their labour in a published edition of James's work into the Creighton surname!

I would also like to remember J. N. and my children  Kiri & Maili Ęgidius Creighton, Lee Ernst Creighton and all the
Creightons before and after them.
2.0 - Scotland. The history of the Creighton Name - Our Humble beginnings in the Kingdom of Strathclyde
6.0 - "Authors & Artists" - Creighton's worldwide
7.0 - Playground - Sports,TV, Toys
Creightons make their mark!
10.0 - A place for all our fianl thoughts - Dreambook - Plus additional site links!
Crichton Castle in Edinburgh Scotland
This site, contents and rights thereof adhere S.P. Creighton
Last updated December 2005
3.0 - Ireland. From Highlands to Green Lands - The Irish influence - the Picts & Celts
5.0 - Australias. Their presence is so abound - From Canada to the USA
4.0 - Canada & USA. From across the water to all the way down under - Australia & New Zealand
Music .... "Within a mile of Edinburgh" ....  http://www.contemplator.com/folk5/edinburgh.html
Have you a website?
Then join the Creighton Webring linking your site/page with other Creightons from all over the world. Joining the Creighton Webring provides a direct link to your website/page from each of the Creighton related sites.
All you have to do is add the banner to your site/page and your site will be added to the
Creighton Webring.
1.1 - Tartans Banner, Badges & Crests - incl. works by James H. Creighton
9.0 - The War Page - To those Creightons who gave their lives in the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
Creightons Worldwide Mailing List
Would you like to be able to directly contact other Creightons from all over the world?
Then here is your opportunity .... join the Creightons Worldwide Mailing List and you will have direct email access to other Creightons/Crichtons/Cratons/Creyghtons etc. like yourself, researching their heritage and genealogical roots (your emaill address will not be listed or given out - this is a private list by invitation only). Through creightonsworlwide@coollist.com you will be able to swap notes, exchange data and maybe even come in contact with a family member.
Add your email address in the feild below and join the f
amily of Creightons Worldwide. Alternatley go directly to http://www.coollist.com/subscribe.html and subscribe now!
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Creightons Worldwide Webring by Simon Creighton
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8.0 - Family Tree. My familt tree and additional information about the family surname Mather!