The Only Planet of Choice - Phyllis Schlemmer Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock From Atlantis to the Sphinx - Colin Wilson The Message of the Sphinx - Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval The Bible Code - Michael Drosnin The Celestine Prophesy - James Redfield Tenth Insight - James Redfield Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman Conversations With God, book III - Neale Donald Walsch Cosmic Voyage - Courtney Brown
Gods of the New Millenium - Alan F. Alford
The Road Less Travelled - M. Scott Peck
Little One - Ann Walker
The Stone And The Plough - Ann Walker Surfers of the Zuvuya - Jose Arguelles Cave of the Ancients - T. Lobsang Rampa
Mind Trek - Joe Macmoneagle
Any & ALL David Eddings - He is a living genius!!!
Mystery of the Crystal Skulls -

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