Crystal Brook town directory

South Australia

Written January 4th 2003, last modified 2009/02/07
If you notice a problem with any of these pages, please email me.
I can't fix the problem if I don't know about it!

On this page...
Groups, Clubs, Services
Churches Medical Sport and recreation Other groups
Events Gardening Photo gallery Walking trails

The Crystal Brook, Spring 2001 This Internet page is maintained by David Clarke, 20 Musgrave St., Crystal Brook. I intend that this page will help people living in (or visiting) the area find out what is available.

Suggestions for anything to go onto this site will be welcome; I'd rather stick to not-for-profit organizations or groups, formal or informal. It's all free of course (costs me nothing).

To contact me, use the above postal address or email If you send something in writing rather than 'phoning there's less likely to be any errors.
"Crystal Brook, where the Flinders Ranges begin". Hall of Fame
Other Crystal Brook pages
Lorraine Saunders 2007 citizen of the year acceptance speech

Cemetery records

Native vegetation

Groups and organizations in and around Crystal Brook

(I'd be pleased to hear of any corrections. Generally I won't give contact details if they are on the group's Internet page; that would be just one more correction to be made whenever there is a change in the contact person.)

Name Internet Contact Address Phone
Anglican Church - Ms Judy Bell PO Box 131, C.B. 8636 2751
Catholic Church - Rev. A.T. Fitzpatrick PO Box 21, C.B. 8636 2677
Lutheran Church - Reverend Peter Traeger of Ms E. Vonow Stanley Street, C.B. 8636 2674
Lutheran Women's Fellowship - Mrs C. Seidel PO Box 32, C.B. 8636 2205
Uniting Church - N. Logan 8 Forgan Street, C.B. 8636 2165

Melaleuca A Melaleuca flowering in a Crystal Brook garden

Sport and recreation
Name Internet Contact Address Phone Notes
Bowling Club - Mr Rob Perry PO Box 52, C.B. 0428 810 200 or 8636 2342 -
Croquet Club - L. Cox PO Box 43, C.B. 8636 2251 -
Football Club
- Mr Ian Hurst 42 Mais Tce., C.B. 8636 2583 -
CBFC Past Players & Officials Club - Mr Graham Pavy CBFC PO Box 95, C.B. 8636 2058 -
Golf Club - Mr L. Weber PO Box 5, C.B. 8636 2459 -
Hocky Club - Mr Leith Gulin PO Box 138, C.B. 8636 2507 -
Midnorth Bushwalking and Cycling Club MNBCC - - - Do you like walking or hiking? This group schedules walks ranging from easy walks of several hours to harder bushwalks of several days. Most are within about a 100km radius of Crystal Brook.
Name Internet Contact Address Phone Notes
Motor Cycle Club - Mrs Meridith Eberhard PO Box 145, C.B. 8636 2561 -
Photography Flinders Gallery Dave Clarke 20 Musgrave St., C.B. 8636 2446 Not really a group or a club. I'm looking for good photos of the Flinders Ranges. I'd also like to start a Crystal Brook photo page on this site. Anyone have some good photos?
Pony Club - Ms Gay Growden PO Box 92, C.B. 8662 2053 -
Probus Club - Ms Edna Vonow PO Box 165, C.B. 8636 2674 Recreation
RSL Auxiliary - Mrs M. Lambert or Mrs B. Robinson c/- Post Officer, C.B. 8636 2617 Recreation
Scout Group - Mr Tony Hargans Bowman Street, C.B. 8636 2527 Recreation
Senior Citizens - G. Lambert or Mrs L. Cox PO. Box 61, C.B. 8636 2251 Recreation/Community facility
Swimming Pool - Mr Dennis Johnson Mais Terrace, C.B. - Recreation/Community facility
Winemaking at home - Dave Clarke; contact me on 08 8636 2446 or email - 8636 2644 We are close to several top winemaking regions; why buy wine? Make your own. But some winemaking equipment is expensive, perhaps we can share. As of Feb. 2003 a crusher-destemmer and a press (worth $1200) have been located at Laura, and may be available to interested winemakers in Crystal Brook.

Crystal Brook golf course A bit of Crystal Brook golf course

Name Internet Contact Address Phone Notes
Ambulance Service - Graham Seidel 35 Brandis St. Crystal Brook 8636 2300 Emergency Service
Ambulance Service; St. John - Mr Kevin Moore PO Box 103, Crystal Brook 8636 2481 Emergency Service
Ambulance Service; St. John Women's Auxiliary - Mrs Dawn Greig 38 Eyre Road, C.B. 8636 2267 Emergency Service
Child and Youth Health, Friends of - Mrs Pauline Calaby 25 Forgan Street, C.B. 8636 2275 Children/Youth
Diabetes Support Group - Mrs Pam Davidson 50 Mitchell Street, C.B. 8636 2389 Health support
Doctor - Medical Centre - - Claridge Road, C.B. 8636 2110 Doctor/Health support
Hospital Guild - Mrs Leonie Atkinson 49 Mitchell Street, C.B. 8636 2181 Service Club
Hospital - Ms Liz Tregaer Edmund Terrace, C.B. 8636 1100 Health support

The Crystal Brook near Lion's Park Crystal Brook near Lion's Park

Other groups and organizations
Name Internet Contact Address Phone Notes
Agricultural Society, North Western CB Show P.J. Combe PO Box 159, Crystal Brook 5523 8636 6237 or 8636 2194 Responsible for the annual Crystal Brook Show
Animal and Plant Control Board - Mr Philip Moffatt Bowman Street, C.B. 8636 2218 Government Agency
Country Fire Service - - Railway Terrace, C.B. Fire - 8636 2000
Station - 8636 2688
Emergency Services
CFS Ladies Auxiliary - Ms I Nicolson 4 Bowman Street, C.B. 8636 Service Club
Crystal Brook History Group CBHG - - - Always looking for new members. Anything connected to the history of C.B. and environs.
Deli, Belly's - - Bowman Street 8636 2316 Pizza menu
Deli, Harry's - - Bowman Street 8636 2207 -
Kindergarten - Ms Loretta Carey Bowman Street, C.B. 8636 2411 Education - Public
Library - - Bowman Street, C.B. 8636 2150 Public. Internet access, best to book ahead.
Opening hours: Tuesday 0900-1200hrs, Wednesday 1200-1700, Friday 1200-1700
Masonic Lodge - - Bowman Street, C.B. - Recreation/Service Club - Closed
Meals on Wheels - Ms Jean Sawyer 61 Railway Terrace, C.B. 8636 2396 Community service/Service Club
Mens Shed - Mr Glen Gum 44 Brandis Street, C.B. 8636 2295 Reconstruction of old farm machinery and equipment, hobbies
Name Internet Contact Address Phone Notes
National Trust of SA - Mrs Jean Sawyer PO Box 55, C.B. 8636 2396 Arts/Culture
Neighbourhood Watch - Mr Steven Gordge Police Station, 29 Brandis Street, C.B. 8636 2200 Community Service
Nursing Mothers' Association - Ms Jenny Couzner c/- 60 Eyre Road, C.B. 8636 2098 Health support/Children/Youth
Police - - 29 Brandis Street, C.B. 8636 2200 -
Red Cross - Ms Rita Seidel PO Box 49, C.B. 8636 2186 Community Service
Reflections Gallery - Debbie Johnson - 8636 2038 Arts and crafts. Goods displayed and sold on consignment for more than 90 local producers. All proceeds go back into the gallery.
Internet access
Opening hours: 1000 to 1600hrs every day.
Willochra Home - Mrs Maureen Hobbs Allan Street, C.B. 8636 2320 Community service

There are more groups and organizations. I'd like to list them all, but can't if people don't give me details.

Events in and around Crystal Brook

NameWhenInternet ContactNotes
Crystal Brook Show 13thAugust 2005 CB Show Show office, ph. 8636 2194 Sec. Martin Lloyd-Smith, ph/fax 8636 6238
Crystal Brook Christmas Pageant Fri. 10th December 2004-- Bowman Street, starts at 6.30pm, sausage sizzle starts at 5pm
Crystal Brook Carols in the Park Sun. 5th December 2004-- Adleaide Square, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. APEX Club will be selling BBQ tea and refreshments.

I'd like to fill in the blank spaces and add more events.

Work in progress

What grows in Crystal Brook?

The soil is well drained and alkaline. We probably get a light frost 2 or 3 times a year in the town. Natural rainfall averages just over 400mm and comes mainly in winter.

I'm not much of a gardener, but here is an effort to list those plants that grow in Crystal Brook.

As always, I'm open to suggestions, see email address above.

Fruit and nut trees
The trees do very well, but if you don't protect the crop the cockatoos will get the lot! They will start long before the almonds are ripe.
Apples, pears
I believe the climate is a bit too hot for them. Some people have some success.
Easy to grow, fruit must be protected from birds
I've just planted a couple of trees (Nov. 2004). I know of at least two other people in C.B. who are growing them.
I would have thought that C.B. was too hot, but my neighbour just gave me some off his tree.
All citrus thrive; it is difficult to give away oranges in Crystal Brook because everyone has them.
These thrive in C.B. Surprisingly birds don't seem to be a great problem.
Peaches, nectarines
Do very well in C.B. The ripening fruit must be protected from the birds.
So far as I know, they grow well.
Quandongs (native peach)
Difficult to get started. Do well once established.
Ok I believe, the climate may be on the hotter side of ideal.

Grape vines
Both table and wine grapes do very well

Vegetables (and other food plants)
Beens, peas
Do very well
Beetroot, silver beet, spinach
Do very well
Capsicums, chillis
Egg plants
These do very well, but slugs and snails are a problem.
Grow very well from winter to spring
Pumpkins, mellons, squash, cucumbers
Very well suited to Crystal Brook summers
Does very well.
Well suited to C.B.
Some people have a lot of success, I usually have them grow well until they start producing fruit, then they die of virus or fungus. The climate and soil suits them anyway.

Ornimental and native plants
Botanical nameCommon name and comments
Acacia sp.wattle trees, many species
Alyogyne huegeliinative hibiscus
Bracichiton sp. kurrajong and Illawarra Flame tree
Callistemon sp.bottle brush
Casuarina and Allocasuarina sp.she-oak group
Crassula arborescensChinese jade
Correa sp.several species
Eucalypt sp.gum trees, many species
Enchelina tomentosaruby saltbush
Gossypium sturtiiSturt's dessert rose
Grevillia sp.several species
Hakea sp.several species
Jacaranda mimosifoliajacaranda
Mellaleuca sp.paper bark, tea tree
Senna (Cassia) sp.-
Swainsona formosaSturt's dessert pea
Xanthorrhoea sp.yacca, grass tree
- (not Polygonum perfoliatum) mile-a-minute (groundcover)

Walking trails

NameApprox. distanceNotes
Crystal Brook to Bowman Park 5km (one way) This is a section of the Heysen Trail. A good walk is to go past the C.B. Primary School, up Cemetery Hill, along the bitumen road that follows a ridge-top (with good views) to Bowman Park and then return along the dirt road adjacent to the brook.
Bowman Park to Hughs Gap 5km (one way) A section of the Heysen Trail. Follows the Crystal Brook* from the northern boundary of Bowman Park to the Port Pirie-Gladstone road at Hughs Gap. Easy grade although there are short rough sections, can be weedy; wet in a good winter. The brook is dry most of the time.
Closed in the fire-ban season
Crystal Brook to Georgetown about 17km (one way) Another section of the Heysen trail. You will probably want to arrange transport to get you back. This track crosses the Rocky River which can have high flows after rare rains. The first part of the trail follows back roads and is not very interesting. I'd suggest starting 5 or 6km east of Crystal Brook.
Closed in the fire-ban season
Bowman Park - This is a reserve of about 40ha 5km northeast of Crystal Brook. There are several short walks within the park, including one to a lookout tower on the northeastern side of the buildings. The Brook in Bowman Park has never been dry in my 27 years experience.
Crystal Brook park lands - Park lands, including a golf course and moto-cross track, follow the Crystal Brook right through the town and for a kilometre or more upstream and downstream. While this part of the Brook is usually dry, it is an attractive area with many majestic redgums. This is all open to walkers.
Closed road at top of Bowman Street 5km round trip See the map below. Start at Bowman Street (the shopping street) and walk along Bowman Street away from the railway line (to the NE). Bear right where the street forks. About 100m before the end of the road go through the gate on the left and follow the vehicle track. On this public road moderate success has been achieved at revegetation. The seeding took place in 1992. When you reach the bitumen road turn right and return to Crystal Brook past the cemetery.
Be sure to leave gates as you find them.
Sketch map of walk including the closed road at the top of Bowman Street
* The township is Crystal Brook, for the brook (creek) itself I have used the phrase 'the Crystal Brook' or just the brook.

Maps of the Heysen Trail are available from whatever Government Department is handling that sort of thing at present.


Photo gallery

The Heysen Trail near Hugh's Gap The Heysen trail near Hugh's Gap

This spot is on the Bowman Park to Hughs Gap walk mentioned above.

Corellas on dead gum tree Corellas (a species of white cockatoo) can sometimes be seen covering gum trees like this in summer in Crystal Brook.

This photo was taken before sun rise. The corellas usually fly off to feed around sun rise.

Old gum tree at Bowman Park Gum tree at Bowman Park

"The gorgeous tree stump just inside the entrance to Bowman Park - the kids loved it!"

Photo by Wye Yee Herbert

Crystal Brook from Bowman Park Crystal Brook from Bowman Park

From the lookout tower at Bowman Park, Crystal Brook township in the distance

Photo by Wye Yee Herbert



On this page...
Fruit and nut trees
Greening Crystal Brook
Ornimental and native plants
Pepper trees
Photo gallery
Sport and recreation
Walking trails