Pouncival/Carbucketty's Profile


Name: Pouncival or Carbucketty
Age: Kitten
Description: Pouncival/Carbucketty is mostly white with brown, and maybe some black, spots and stripes. The French Pouncival is alot different, he's yellow and grey! In many productions, he has a spot over one of his eyes. He is mostly known for getting into trouble, and annoying some of the older cats (Like Jennyanydots).
Important Solos: ~~~~
Nicknames:Pounci, Pouncy, Pounce, Cival, Carb, Carby
Other: The Video Pounci is in a London Carbucketty costume. Broadway once had both the characters Pouncival and Carbucketty, but after a little while, they eliminated Carbucketty.


Argentina: Puncival
Australia: Pouncival
Belgium: Pouncival
Broadway (Original): Carbuckety
Broadway: Pouncival
Denmark: Parsifal
France: Pouncival
Hamburg: Pouncival
Japan: Kaabaketti (Carbucketty)
Japan: Pounshivaru (Pouncival)
London: Carbucketty
Mexico: Carbuckety
Norway: Klorigar (Carbucketty)
Norway: Surripus (Pouncival)
Sweden: Pouncival
US Regional-Chicago: Carbuckety
US Regional-Chicago: Pouncival
US Tour: Pouncival
Video: Pouncival

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