Victoria's Profile


Name: Victoria
Age: Somewhere in between kitten and young adult
Description: Always completely white, except for maybe very light yellow stripes on the sides of the unitard. These stripes are often very hard to see, even in a close-up. She is mostly known for being very flexible, especially during her solo. Victoria is a very graceful and quiet kitten, not having very many singing solos.
Important Solos: The Invitation to the Jellicle Ball, and the Mating Dance
Nicknames:Viccy, Vic, Vik, Vikky, Vicky, the Elastic Kitty


Amsterdam: Victoria
Argentina: Victoria
Australia: Victoria
Austria: Viktoria
Belgium: Victoria
Broadway: Victoria
Denmark: Viktoria
Finland: Elakooli
France: Victoria
Germany: Victoria
Hamburg: Victoria
Japan: Vikutoria
London: Victoria
Mexico: Victoria
Norway: Kvittlinga
South Africa: Victoria
Sweden: Victoria
Switzerland: Viktoria
US Regional-Chicago: Victoria
US Tour: Victoria
Video: Victoria

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