Cats Art!!!

If you steal any art from here, I'll send the Great Rumpus Cat after you! Who knows, maybe he'll get a bunch of Pollicles to come with him, too....Anyways, I have both my art and other art here, as I don't have that much right now. Please send in Cats art if you have any! (It MUST be G-rated!!!). The pics are in alphabetical order, in case you didn't notice :p. ** before a title means the art is new.

Kiriban Instructions
Kiriban is actually a sort of Japanese thing. What you do is, if the counter on the main page matches the number above it (It will say something like "the kiriban number is 1000), then you save a picture of the counter (jpg or gif, please) and you email it to me. You also have to email me a request of one piece of art that only you and I can use. View the request page if you're not certain of what requests I'll take. Only the kiriban winner and I can use the kiriban pics, unless someone else has special permission to use them/it!

Request instructions here

Kiriban Winners

100th hit
The winner was Razzlespritz! Pictured here are two of her fan made characters, the twins Sancra and Sancrow. These were supposed to be chibi-style, but turned out more kittenish.
300th hit
The winner was Zazz! Pictured here are four fan made characters, who are in the same style as Sancra and Sancrow. The orange cat is Dawvi, the grey cat is Wolf, the black/yellow one is Sheik, and the red one is Zazz herself!

My Art

First of my cross-many-characters phase. A cute cross of Lonz, Carby, and Pounci.
Another quick-type pic, this time of Alonzo. I don't really like how he came out, but I decided to post it anyways. This is based off of a real picture which seems pretty common on other sites.
A picture of Etcetera sleeping under the Jellicle Moon. There was originally going to be junk in the backround, but I decided against it.
This is Fladrance, my old character.
**Macavity Cross
Third in my cross-many-characters phase. This one is a quite unique cross of Macavity, Tugger, and Etcy. The Japanese white Tugger kinda snuck itself in.
**Misto Anthro
My first anthro kitty. At least, I think its my first anthro.
Mistoffelees and a Mouse
Just a quick pic I made of Misto catching a mouse. It looks like they're floating in space though....
*Hugs picture* The cutest tom in my quick-style. I would've made it in a different style, but I realized I never made anything for Valentines Day, so I decided to do this!
**Renamon and Gatomon
This was requested by one of my friends. They are two digimon, Renamon and Gatomon, in Cats form.
Second in my cross-many-characters phase. This one is a cross of Viccy, Sillabub, and Jemima.

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