The Glossary

Admetus-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Alonzo-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Aprilli-A Finnish character, the name means "April Fool's"
Asparagus-Long form of Gus's name from "Gus the Theater Cat"

Bill Bailey-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Bombalurina-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Bustopher Jones-From "Bustopher Jones, the Cat About Town"

Carbuckety-T.S. Eliot said he was a knock-about cat
Cassandra-Mentioned in "The Naming of Cats," a person who could tell the future in Greek mythology
Cockalorum-Another name for Mirza Murad Ali Beg
Coricopat-Mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"

Demeter-Mentioned in "The Naming of Cats," Demeter was a goddess in Greek mythology

Eläkööli-A Finnish character, the name means "Hurray-O"
Electra-Mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Etcetera-Basically means that she keeps "going, and going, and going," which describes her hyperness

Firefrorefiddle-From "Gus the Theater Cat"

Genghis-The lead Siamese in "Growltiger's Last Stand," also known as Gilbert
George-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Gilbert-The lead Siamese in "Growltiger's Last Stand," also known as Genghis
Griddlebone-Growltiger's love in "Growltiger's Last Stand"
Growltiger-Lead character in "Growltiger's Last Stand"
Grumbuskin-Character in Growltiger's Last Stand"
Gumbie Cat-From "The Gumbie Cat," also known as Jennyanydots
Gus-From "Gus the Theater Cat"

Jellicle-All cats, When T.S. Eliot's niece tried to say "Dear little cat," it came out as "Jellicle Cat"
Jellylorum-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats," T.S. Eliot wrote a poem about Jellylorum the Lilliecat.
Jemima-Jemima was Job's daughter in the Bible
Jennyanydots-From "The Gumbie Cat," also known as the Gumbie Cat
Jokaste-A Finnish character, the name comes from "Jocasta" from Greek mythology
Jonathan-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats," a few new productions have this character

Kakskuu-A Finnish character, the name means "Two Moons"
Kermaviili-A Finnish character, the name means "Sour Milk"
Kiscica-A Budapest character, the name is Hungarian for "kitten"

Lady Kylkiluu-A Finnish character, the name means "Lady Rib Bone"

Macavity-From "Macavity the Mystery Cat"
Marina-A Finnish character, the name means "Whining"
Mirza Murad Ali Beg-T.S. Eliot said this cat was a blue Persian Prince, that had blue blood. He was also called Wiskuscat and Cockalorum.
Mungojerrie-From "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer"
Munkustrap-Mentioned in "tThe Naming of Cats"
Murad-A Korean character, the name is probably a shortened version of Mirza Murad Ali Beg.

Noilly Prat-T.S. Eliot said this was an elegant cat.

Old Deuteronomy
Olivia-A character that appears in a few new productions

Parasitical-Living off others
Peke-Short for Pekingese, a type of dog
Plato-A Greek philosopher
Pollicle-All dogs, when T.S. Eliot's niece tried to say "poor little dog," it came out as "Pollicle Dog"
Pom-Possibly another name for a poodle?
Pouncival-Mixture of "Pounce" and "Percival," one of King Arthur's knights. T.S. Eliot said he was a cat with a Morte d'Arthur flavour.
Pug-A type of dog

Quaxo-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"

Rumpleteazer-From "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer"
Rumpus Cat/The Great Rumpus Cat-From "The Aweful battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles"
Ruusu-A Finnish character, the name means "Rose"
Rymy-Edward-A Finnish character, the name means "Tumble-Edward"

Sillabub-Mixture of "Silly" and "Beelzebub," Beelzebub is otherwise known as the Devil, or the Lord of the Flies
Skimbleshanks-From "Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat"
Skimblestrap-Fan-dubbed character when an actor in U.S. Tour V played both the characters Munkustrap and Skimbleshanks.
Spike-Originally a swing-kitten in U.S. Tour V, named by one of the actors.

Tantomile-T.S. Eliot said she was a witch's cat
Terpsichorean-Having to do with dance
Tumblebrutus-Mixture of "Tumble" and "Brutus," from "Growltiger's Last Stand"

Victor-Character mentioned in "The Naming of Cats"
Victoria-Might come from Queen Victoria of England

Wiskuscat-Another name for Mirza Murad Ali Beg

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