
~...The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter, it isn't just one of your holiday games...~

Having trouble coming up with names for madeup characters or real characters that don't have names yet? (NBQ REALLY needs a name! George Bailey got named by fans, and NBQ has been around for a looong while) There are some names listed below with a little description of where the name came from. "The Naming of Cats" (the actual poem) will be abbreviated as NC.

Achillis-Greatest Greek warrior in the Trojan War and the hero of the Iliad.
Aeolus-Greek god of wind.
Aires-Greek god of war.
Ajax-Greek hero in Trojan War.
Alacrity-Means willing to do something.
Alcaeus-Greek poet of Mytilene.
Alcestis-Wife of Admetus in Greek mythology. After she died, she was brought back from the Underworld by Hercules.
Alecto-One of the Furies in Greek mythology.
Alfonso-First king of Portugal.
Alpha-The first letter of the Greek alphabet.
Amadey-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Amenhotep-An Egyptian king.
Amity-A peaceful relationship.
Anat-Warlike Egyptian goddess.
Andromeda-In Greek mythology, she was the daughter of Cassiopeia, and later married Perseus, who saved her from a sea monster.
Anqet-Egyptian goddess. Also called Anukis.
Anubis-Jackal-headed Egyptian god of mummification.
Anukis-Egyptian goddess. Also called Anqet.
Apollo-Greek god.
Aristotle-Greek philosopher.
Armageddon-The place where the final battle shall be fought between good and evil.
Artemis-Greek goddess of hunting and the moon.
Asar-Egyptian god of death, also called Osiris.
Athena-Greek goddess of wisdom.
Atropos-One of the Furies in Greek mythology who cuts the thread of life.
Augustus-Mentioned in NC.
Aura-The energy that surrounds living things.
Aurora-Roman goddes of the dawn.

Bastet-Egyptian cat-headed goddess of the moon and sun. Also known as Bast or Pasht.
Betty-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.
Biff-Mentioned in the Norwegian NC.

Camomille-Mentioned in the French NC.
Carbuncle-Any rounded, red gem.
Cerberus-A three-headed dog (sometimes has a snake for a tail) in Greek mythology that guarded the gates of the Underworld.
Cicero-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Cheshire-The famous Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland with that really creepy but loveable smile.
Chimera-A mythical beast with many different descriptions. Basically, she is part lion, goat, and snake/dragon. She is usually shown with three heads.
Cleopatra-An Egyptian queen.
Cockalorum-Another name for Mirza Murad Ali Beg, because he looks like a Cockalorum.

Echo-Girl in Greek mythology who could only echo the last words of what people were saying.
Elizabeth-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.
Errol-Latin for wanderer.

Faust-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Felix-Mentioned in the French NC.
Ficelle-Mentioned in the French NC.
Frank-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.
Friedrich-Mention in the German NC.

Geb-Egyptian god of earth.
Golem-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Gryphon-A mythical creature with the forebody of an eagle and the hindparts of a lion, or any type of bird and cat. They are usually used to symbolize gold or the sun.

Hades-Greek god of the Underworld.
Hera-The queen of Greek gods, she got jealous very easily. Wife of Zeus.
Heracles-Son of Zeus and Alcmene in Greek mythology. Was a mortal with extraordinary strength.
Hercules-See Heracles.

Isis-Egyptian goddess, one of the great protectors.

Jabberwocky-A monster from Alice Through the Looking Glass.
James-Mentioned in NC.
Jupiter-Roman name for Zeus.

Kaliostro-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Kanari-Mentioned in the Norwegian NC.
Kappa-"K" in the Greek alphabet. In mythology, a Kappa is a demon who has to live in water at all times.
Karl-Mentioned in the German NC.
Khons-Egyptian god of the moon.

Libby-A human name.
Lulu-Slang for an outstanding person or thing.

Maat-The Egyptian goddes of truth, right, and orderly conduct.
Magna-Latin for "Great."
Macbeth-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Media-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.
Merry-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.
Mickey-Mentioned in the French NC.
Midi-French for noon.
Minuit-(Pronounced Min-wheat, NOT Min-you-et, as lots of people seem to think)Mentioned in the French NC, French for midnight.
Mirza Murad Ali Beg-A cat created by T.S Eliot. A blue Persian Prince that sang and had blue blood.
Murzie-Mentioned in the Russian NC.

Nebet-het-An Egyptian goddess, one of the great protectors. Also called Nepthys.
Neith-An Egyptian goddess, one of the great protectors.
Nepthys-An egyptian goddess, one of the great protectors. Also called Nebet-het.
Noilly Prat-T.S. Eliot said she was an elegant cat.

Omega-Last letter in the Greek alphabet.
Osiris-Egyptian god of death, also called Asar.

Pan-Greek god of fields and of the Pan Flute.
Pedro-Mentioned in the Portuguese NC.
Peter-Mentioned in NC.
Phoebe-A human name.
Pluto-Russian name for Hades.
Polochon-Mentioned in the French NC.
Pouncivette-Name often used by fans for a queen that is very simliar to Pouncival.
Pushoc-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Pyro-Having to do with fire.

Ra-The Egyptian sun-god, and the father of the other Egyptian gods. Also known as Re.
Reshef-Egyptian god of war and thunder. Also known as Reshpu.
Rigodon-Mentioned in the French NC.

Saturnin-Mentioned in the French NC.
Scajem-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Scoda-Mentioned in the Russian NC.
Sekhmet-Egyptian lion-headed goddess of war. Also known as Sakhmet.
Seshat-Egyptian goddess of writing.
Seth-Egyptian god of storms and violence. Also known as Set or Sutekh.
Sigma-"S" in the Greek alphabet. Also used to describe something unknown or strange, like the paranormal.
Shu-Egyptian god of the air.
Sphynx / Sphinx-In Egyptian mythology, a lion with a man's head. In Greek mythology, a lion with a woman's head and wings. Also a breed of cat that is almost naked except for a peach-like fuzz covering the body.
Sutekh-Egyptian god of storms and violence. Also known as Set or Seth.

Tom-Mentioned in the Japanese NC.

Wiskuscat-A short name for Mirza Murad Ali Beg.

Zeus-The king of Greek gods.

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