RPG Dictionary

Body Parts

Visage, Dial, Cranium, Cerebrum, Cranial, Crown, Pate, Crania, Pallet, Tiara, Brainpan, Plat, Skull, Poll, Culmination, Countenance, Dome, Dream Box, Block, Craniu', Pate

Bodice, Physique, Frame, Bulk, Form, Torso, Carcass, Chassi, Lithe form, Willowy, Chassis, Figure, Anatomy, Skeleton, Crux, Fuselage, Structure

Appendages, Upper limbs, Pedates, Lower limbs, Sticks, Pillars, Pistons, Pinions, Shanks, Gams, Fulcrums, Limbs, Stilts, Appendai, Pallets

Pan, Map, Mug, Nasal passages, Nares, Nostrils, Maw, Probiscus, Zephyrs, Kisser, Velveteens, Plush, Chops, Orifice, Maxilla, Mandible, Labrums, Velvets, Labias, Kissers, Trap, Beak, Aperture, Flytrap, Door, Gob, Yap

Pedestals, Flints, Nails, Obsidians, Titaniums, Daggers, Talons, Claws, Scythes, Diamonds, Peds, Blades, Graphites

Enamels, Dentals, Pearls, Ivories, Inscicors, Nippers, Grinders

Acoustics, Accoustic, Appararus, Tympanums, Auditives, Auds, Lobes, Listeners, Thorns, Doublets, Orrilles, Harks, Auditories, Duos, Cochlea, Diagnostics, Pricks, Pinnacles, Lappits Auricles

Nape, Curvature, Serpentine, Crest, Boa

Whipcord, Caudal, Plume, Hock kisser, Pendulum, Tassels, Ribbons, Plumage, Cords, Wires

Banner, Banter, Dreads, Tassels, Tendrils, Threads, Curtain, Strings

Optics, Orbs, Ocules, Occuli, Occulars, Twin pools, Pool, Spheres, Orbits, Orcia, Globes, Ooids, Visionaries, Opticals, Voids, Chasms, Lamps, Lampis, Lampistra, Occulus, Tabiries, Lanterns


Crimson, Scarlet, Bloody, Blood-washed, Flame-hued, Bloodstained, Flame licked, Sanguine, Carmin, Flaxened, Rouge, Ruby, Carnelian, Burgundy, Cherry, Vermillion, Cardinal, Sienna, Maroon, sorrel, fuscous, henna, roan, vermillion, flame-licked, flame-kissed, flame-touched, bloodwash'd, flame hu'd, honey, amber, bronze, fire licked, maroon

Ebony, Lucid, Charred, Charcoal, Obsidian, Smoke-washed, Shadowed, Raven, Midnight, Sable, Inky, Jet, Jetty, Onyx, Onyxite, Atramentous, Pitch-black, Pitch-dark, Stained, Swarthy, Ebonite, Stygian, Nigrescent, atramentous, brunet, charcoal, clouded, coal, dingy, dusky, ebon, ebony, inklike, jet, livid, melanoid, murky, nigrescent, jet-black, nigrous, obsidian, onyx, piceous, pitch, pitch-dark, pitch-black,raven, sable, shadowy, slate, somber, sombre, sooty, starless, swart, swarthy, black, dark, dusty, gloomy, inky, jetty, pitch-black, midnight, smokewash'd, shadowed, lucid, charred, stained, swarthy, ebonite, stygian

Silver, Porcelain, Lactsescene, Cretaceous, Lactsescent, Ivory, Rime, Moon-washed, Ashen, Alabaster, Pure, Colorless, Pale, Pearly, Iridescent, Ghost, Platinum, Hoary, Pewter, Steel, Leaden, achromatic, achromic, alabaster, ashen, blanched, bleached, bloodless, caucasian, chalky, clear, fair, frosted, ghastly, gray, hoary, immaculate, ivory, light, milky, neutral, pallid, pasty, pearly, pure, silver, silvery, snowy, spotless, stainless, transparent, unblemished, unsullied, wan, waxen, ash, ashen, cinereal, clouded, dappled, dingy, dove, drab, dusky, moonwash'd, dusty, grey, heather, iron, lead, leaden, livid, mousy, neutral, oyster, pearly, peppery, powder, sere, shaded, silvered, silvery, slate, smoky, somber, stone

Flaxen, Sun kissed, Gilded, Sun touched, Gold brushed, Golden, Amber, Canary, Honey, Citrine, Sunkist, Aureate, Ginger, Mango, aureate, auric, auriferous, aurous, aurulent, blond, blonde, caramel, dusty, flaxen, gold, golden, honeyed, mellow yellow, ochroid, straw, tan, tawny, wheat

Russet, Auburn, Mahogany, Mohogan, Bloody, Sepia, amber, bay, bister, brick, bronze, burnt sienna, mahogany, blood bay, russet, mohegan, henna, fuscous

Fawn, Tawny, Tan, Buff, Henna, Fuscous

Camelia, Talc, Taupe, Off-hue, Near white(or any other word for white)

There are some other colors out there as well. Most can use pairings of the above mentioned with other colors. Roan can be called, Snow Flecked(or just Flecked), Frosted. The dun's are a wide range of colors...Depending on the main shade of the dun, you will be using a different word. Those above are for your average, normal dun colored horse. If you are a red dun, silver dun, copper dun...go look for a picture of your horse and describe it with the other colors listed here as well. All duns have a dorsal stripe and zebra barring on their legs...A Buckskin however has a yellowish-gold body coat, with black mane/tail and legs...they do not have a dorsal stripe. Another differance between Dun and Buckskin is that a dun will be less apt to have little or no natural "bloom" or shine in the coat. The Dun coloration is for camoflauge. Shine would bring attention to the horse. For Paints, you can use Mapping, Marbled, Pied, Multi-colored, Motley. For Appys, Spangled, Splattered, Spattered, Speckled, Splotchy, Studded, Sprinkled, Stippled.
You may also have noticed I do not have a section for Sorrel. Sorrel and Chestnut are in fact two different colors that look VERY similar. Both CAN have flaxen manes and tails or darker manes and tails. However a chestnut will have reddish undertones while a sorrel will have more yellowish undertones. Also, on a sorrel, if you look down their legs, most get lighter in color the closer to the hoof. Belgians are a prime example of this, sometimes they will look as if they have dirty stockings or socks..not so, they are sorrel. Chestnut will be uniform in color all the way down.
There are some rare colors out there! Don't be afraid to use them. I'll list them below and if you would like a word or something describing your color and are having trouble...just e mail me at jaded_huntress@hotmail.com with the picture of the horse you are using and I'll help you out. Colors Often Not used
Red Dun
Red Dun Roan
Bay Roan
Black Chestnut
Ivory Champagne
Smokey Black(looks black, sometimes will fade more in summer)
Grulla(or Grullo)
Black Silver
Chocolate Sorrel
Silver Dapple(a very NON-silver color)
Chocolate Palomino
Paint Patterns

Paint patterns are: Tobiano, Overo, Tovero, Frame Overo, and Sabino.

Appaloosa Patterns
Near Leopard/Semi Leopard
Full Blanket
Extended Blanket
Rump Blanket
Minimal Blanket
Color, Coat and Refined


hue, hu'd, pigment, tint, shade, tinge, dye, tincture, tone, spectrum, variants, contrastories, emulsion Refined

chiselled, finely tuned, elegant, tapered Coat

pelt, hide, canvas, cover, cloak, armour


Feminine, Semstress, Femme, Matron, Matriarch, Paramour, Nymph, Banshee, Fae, Inamorata, Regina, Vixen, Vix, Ess, Seraph, Donna, Belle, Midge, Maiden, Succumbus, Xanthippe, Dame, Femoral, Femora, Misstress, Bruja, Dove, Bitch, Damsel, Harlot, Bestian, Wench, Shrew, Baroness, Virago, Doe, Virgo, Naiad, Witch, Ingoble, Hussy, Czaress, Figurine, Fetale, Huntress, Dryad, Harridan, Spitfire, Kitten, Minx, Jezebel, Lamia, Gorgon, Huntress, Brutale, Sovereign, Monarch, Brood, Matron, Matriarch, Paramour, Nymph, Banshee, Fairy, Inamorata, Diabla, Regina, Vixen, She-Devil, Ess, Seraph, Hellion, Donna, Elle, Lass, Belle, Maid, Maiden, Succubus, Demoness, Deviless, Xanthippe,, Lady, Dame, Femme, Femme Fatale, Femmora, Enchantress, Seductress, Mistress, Female, Miss, Bruja, Temptress, Goddess, Queen, Dove, Damsel, B!tch, Harlot, Madam, Beastian, Wench, Shrew, Princess, Baroness, Duchess, Virago, Doe, Pixy, Nixie, Naiad, Warrioress, Witch, Figurine, Hag, Wanton, Ignoble, Jade, Hussy, Czaress, Kelpie, Sprite, Huntress

Steed, Masculine, Masculi, Brute, Stag, Hessian, Stud, Virile, Patron, Patriarch, Gladiator, Baron, Captor, Czar, Caeser, Devil, Tycoon, Mogul, Sahib, Caliph, Capon, Behemoth, Titan, King, Brujo, Bronco, Bronc, Charger, Vagabond, Suzerain, Liege, Sovereign, Balaster, Bastard, Macromime, Stud, Male, Virile, Beast, Stag, Hessian, Masculine, Patron, Patriach, Warrior, Soldier, Diablo, He-Devil, Devil, Demon, Lord, Steed, Stallion, Protector, Sir, Buck, Guardian, Charger, Courser, Knight, Brujo, Monarch, Lad, Enchanter, Tempter, Seducter, Warlock, Master, Gladiator, Brute, God, King, Prince, Baron, Duke, Wizard, Captor, Figure, Chief, Chieftain, Commander, Captain, Boss, Principal, Czar, Tycoon, Mogul, Caliph, Sahib, Caesar, Capon

Dam, Maternal, Sire, Paternal, Origin, Source, Creator, Procreator, Ancestor, Warden, Forebear

Babe, Lamb, Fawn, Tike, Toddler, Youth, Amateur, Juvenile, Infant, Puerile, Flicka, Filla, Bantle(ss), Newness, Babe, Lamb, Calf, Fawn, Wee One, Lil'One, Tyke, Toddler, Youth, Child, Infant, Juvenile, Puerile, Youngster, Stripling, Sappling, Filla (filly)

Middle Aged
Primed, Seasoned

Antiquem Advanced, Senescent, Veteran, Decrepit, Aged, Ancient, Broken Down, Debilitated, Deficient, Doddering, Elderly, Enfeebled, Exhausted, Experienced

equine, ungulate, quadruped


Buoyant, Bliss, Estatic, Elated, Euphoric, Joyful, Joyous, Lighthearted, mirthful, gay, bubbly, hyper, hypo

Morose, Saturnine, Lugubrious, Dour, Melancholy, Somber, Blue, Dejected, Drear, Grieving, Depressed, Dismal, Joyless, Mirthless, Triste, morose, lugubrious, dreary, greiving, down, lustless

Haughty, Bold, Aristocratic, Cocky, Insolent, Disdainful, Proud, Presumptuous, Lofty

Bellicose, Pugnacious, Belligerent, Asperous, Assertive, Militant, Pushful, Combative, Imperious, willful, hot, waspy, asperous, assertive, militant, pushy, combative, imperious, dangerous, deadly

Sensible, Prudent, Sagacious, Judicious, Gnostic, Insighted, Perceptive, Sage, Sohpic, Intuitive, astute, Cunning, noble minded

Phlegmatic, Halcyon, Placid, Composed, Nonchalant, care-free, easy going, soft

Abhorrence, Enmity, Animosity, Loathing

Piqued, Irked, Vexed, Acrimonious, Choleric, Indignant, Irate, mad, stroppy, in bloodlust, vengeful

Fatigued, Enervated, Jaded, Weary, strung out, exhausted

Vigorous, Peppy, Dynamic, Lusty, Strenuous, Emphatic, Vibrant, preppy, flying, hypo, restless

Lust, Concupiscence, Edge, Torment, Wish, Fancy, Fantasy, Exigency, lustful, need

Lacerate, Decimate, Shred, Despoil, Scathe, Inpair, Infect, Lambaste


Terrain/Land Earth/Ground/Area
bailiwick, contour, country, domain, dominion, field, form, ground, land, profile, province, region, shape, soil, sphere, territory, topography, turf, circumference, compass, loam, terra, terrain, abode, domicile, environ, castle, roost, land, dwelling, residence, hearth, habitat, kingdom, realm, empire, monarchy, lair, lithosphere, terra firma, roof of hell, eaths face, tetonic plates

azure, celestial sphere, empyrean, firmament, heavens, lid, the blue, upper atmosphere, welkin, blue yonder

ambiance, atmosphere, aura, backdrop, background, circumstances, climate, conditions, context, domain, element, encompassment, entourage, habitat, hood, jungle, locale, medium, milieu, neighborhood, purlieus, scene, scenery, setting, situation, status, stomping ground, surroundings, terrain, territory, turf, zoo

air, big blow, blast, blow, breath, breeze, chinook, cold snap, cyclone, dirt, draft, draught, flurry, flutter, gale, gust, mistral, puff, skiff, tempest, typhoon, wafting, whiff, whirlwind, whisk, zephyr, Squall


Forward Movements embarks, stalks, walks, strides, drifts, slinks, glides, runs, stumbles, slides, dances, shuffles, sways, struts, ingresses, saunters, prances, advances, collaborates, rendition, intercepts, navigates, animates, ignites, Gaits, Paces, Shifts


Talcum, Gentle, Camelia, Velvet, Silk, Sleek

Prodigious, Colossal, Mammoth, Rotund, Jumbo, Large

Svelte, Miniscule, Slender, Lithe, Petite, Statuesque, Wispy, Willowy, miniscule

Brawny, Sinewy, Stalwart, Strapping, Burly, Beefy, Rugged, Thickset,

inquire, query, question

retort, return, hiss, reply

lacerate, deimate

This was taken from another site, but not word for word, I have changed it in some parts, and am still adding to the very long list.

İCrystal Dreams

If you take this page, please link back to us, and please ask first. Or I might go and flood your game...