Crystal Nightmare

Version 1.0 Version 2.0

Winds howled through the intricate branches of the christmas tree and was blowing like a whistle. The sudden chill of the equally cold squall blew past with much effort. Nature designed the night with various sizes of glittering stars upon the ebony sky. The popular cresent moon shone a light upon a specific spot upon the lonely mountain. Unruly h2O moved in a pack within the stream, the tiny substances filled with organisms. The scent of others lupines were around, successfully bringing a chilling feeling excluding the cold air. The snow packed the ground making it audible to the abode members of the presence. The feeling of golden eyes watching your every movement brought the prey to a vulnerable position.

You study the complex designs of nature, the worlds of another lay beneath your cold paws. The weak scent of food was filing its way towards you, a sad ending for a moose. The blood leaked down the nearly frozen river, scaring anyone within its sight. The piece of skin followed it and you snatched it hungerily. The skin filled very little within your starving loner stomach, though it was enough to please. Nostrils catch a stronger scent of a dominant female heading towards you, though you put it aside saying it was just a mirage of scent. Finally, a bush rattled around and you jumped slightly by the spook, turning, you went upon the defense as a growl entered your swiveling lobes. Growling in return, you stand on gaurd.

All Content © Crystal Nightmare 2005-2007