Centre for Social Policy Studies
University of Ghana, Legon


vision | objectives | agenda | staff | associates | activities | seminars | publications | events | action auction

The establishment of CSPS has been initiated primarily to develop and improve social welfare services in Ghana. It is intended to fill a need for social welfare policy research in Ghana. The challenge is to provide a forum that can play a coordinating role for the establishment of social development networks and at the same time involve the general public in the process of social welfare policy development.


The centre, which is partly sponsored by UNICEF, aims to create greater awareness on social welfare policy issues in Ghana and to promote participatory development of policies and social service programmes of action. In this respect, the centre has been focusing on interdisciplinary projects that emerge from its own programmes as well as those of cognate departments, agencies, organisations and institutes.



Centre Staff Associate Researchers and Consultants



Seminar series:

CSPS Seminar Series - Topics, speakers and abstracts

Heyward Reserve Library
CSPS Library and Documentation Centre


Social Policy: Journal of the Centre for Social Policy Studies

Policy Publications

Research Reports


Events and Launches

"Appropriate strategies for ageing in Africa", International workshop held in collaboration with African Gerontological Society (AGES) and HelpAge Ghana
Tuesday 29th January 2002

National Ageing Policy Workshop, 7th-9th & 12th November (in collaboration with World Health Organization)

Launch of Social Policy, 30th August 2001

The Odyssey Group and 'information access for Africa' Workshop August 23rd-September 7th, 2001

Parliamentarian Workshop on Road Safety, February, 2003 (Programme,Report)

Action Auction:

Action Auction - a proactive development research agenda - research proposals seeking funders



The Odyssey Group (CSPS research partners)


Ghana Social Index Maps

Click here for a set of social index maps produced by the Centre for Social Policy Studies


Centre for Social Policy Studies,
Faculty of Social Studies,
University of Ghana, PO Box 72, Legon, Ghana
Fax: +233 21 500949

e-mail: csps@ug.edu.gh
web site: http://www.oocities.org/csps_ghana

Director: Professor Nana Araba Apt
e-mail: aptnana@hotmail.com

Last updated: 21st March 2003