Support Israel by Being Informed

Recommended Sources of Information

prepared by David  Elazar
  Rishon LeZion, Israel    (updated March 20,2009)  

    Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs     Excellent source of documented information including
            newletters and briefs. For a    FREE subscription, go to the site.

      Sample titles:

          What Really Happened in Jenin?

         Washington Misled: Saudi Arabia’s Financial Backing of Terrorism


          For a free weekly email newsletter go to the site.


    • ISRAEL21c is a non-profit educational foundation with a mission to focus media and public attention on the 21st century Israel that exists beyond the conflict.
    • ISRAEL21c identifies, researches and reports on how Israelis create, innovate, improve and add value to the world.
    • ISRAEL21c focuses on how Israel and Israelis are having an impact on individual lives through their efforts in health, technology, culture, democracy and clean tech.



                  We're a small team of dedicated volunteers, from different nationalities,
                  who are trying to spread the truth about the Middle East conflict.

                   To subscribe to our update list, please send a blank email to

               Bridges for Peace   "Free Sign Up" form for "current news" via e-mail on the front page of theweb site. 
      Bridges For Peace - is a Jerusalem-based, multi-faceted, Christian organization dedicated to the building of  sincererelationships between the Christian and Jewish communities, while encouraginggreater concern for the land and people of Israel.

               Actions for Israel update   request to be placed on the mailing list.

            SUMMARY (sample from  May 1, 2002)

      1. Send support email to courageous Timberland CEO
      2. Boycott updates, please take action
      3. Call Associatec Press to blast Cover Up -view pictures
      4. Events and rallies to show up to, pass on and support.
      5. Help pass Syria Accountability Act - Respond T

          Search for the Truth in the Middle East    A fairly extensive collection of information and links.



      The Tragedy of Errors , by James Parkes, is an excellent synopsis of the history of "Palestine" and Israel, up to 1967.  James Parkes was a "British Theologian whose post years travels brought him to the British Mandate of  Palestine."  An excellent read.  (17 page pamphlet)

      Hasbara Handbook  Education Department of the Jewish Agency and by the Joint Distribution Committee - Excellent ideas, designed for students but applicable to every age group: Handbook discusses the psychology behind people's attitudes which is very helpful as well as offer many great suggestions on for example:

      "How to score points while avoiding debate." (pg.19)

      "7 basic propoganda devices" (pg.22)

      Organizing and Proactive Participation and much more.

      Replace Arafat with Abas