Wife of Joseph Best, mother of Clara (Best) Buck & George Best on this page.  See Best genealogy for the names of her other children.
Son of Joseph & Mary Jane Best.
Brother of Clara (Best) Buck
HARRY AND CLARA BUCK, my g-grandparents.  Raised her daughter's children after  her daughter died after giving birth to her 5th child.    My mother was  one of these children.
Harry was a woodsman and a farmer.  Clara raised cows and sold the milk.  Both hard working people with hearts full of compassion and love.    My g-grandfather died when I was 3 yrs old, but I was blessed to know my g-grandmother.  She died when I was 18.  I greatly admire her. She knew how to raise children, love them and give them their wings.  She cooked, sewed, never refused anyone a meal.  Her home was an open door.  As was her heart.  Thank you Mom Mom.
Some of Mary Jane & Joseph Best's children:  From left to right:  Jasper (Jack) Best Clara (Best) Buck; Margaret (Best) Thomas: Elwood (Red) Best.  Taken in 1936
Burnley (Richard) Buck & wife, Buck.   Brother of Harry & Alfred Buck, son of Rudolph Buck.  My grandmother idenitifed this picture.
Alfred and Harry were brothers, sons of Rudolph Buck.  Both men were farmers.  I never knew Alfred or Sarah, they were my g-grandparents on my dad's side.  Their daughter Ruth (Buck) Maines, was my grandmother.  I've been told they were both kind, hard working people.  Sarah had the habit of keeping her table set with dishes all the time, she'd turn the dishes upside down until they were in use.  The lived in a big farm house in the Shawville area of Clearfield co. which has been torn down.  We have no clue to the whereabouts of their belongings that were in the house.    In their latter years, they moved to Kerr Addition and was taken care of by their daughter Ruth and son-in-law Oswald Maines.  To date all I know about Sarah's genealogy is her father's name was William Doney..  I've been researching this name for several months with no leads   Recently I had a lead that Sarah Doney might have connections to the Stewart family, if anyone can help me with this connection, please email me.  Bless you.
BERTHA (BUCK) LANSBERRY- dau.. of Alfred & Sarah Buck.
updated May 2003