The house at 42 Adin Street has been undergoing extensive renovation by Barry Bennett for several months. He expects to have it completed and ready for sale before Memorial Day. Thanks to Barry for the donation of several items he found in the house, to the Little Red Shop Museum,  including two Draper shuttles and an old Draper calendar.

   Town Hall window. Click on the picture to see more of the windows and a short article about their restoration in 1976.

  The highway department sidewalk sweeper doing some spring cleaning as it passes a recently renovated house on Mendon Street.

   Hopedale-Milford town line marker in the Mill River near Route 140.

   Hopedale-Milford jayvee game, April 7. I don't know how the game ended, but the Hopedale varsity, playing Milford at Fino Field at the same time, won 8 - 6.  Click on picture for more of the jayvee game.

   Fun at the old oak tree by the pond- April 10.

   Karen Pendleton, shown staining a window frame inside the Little Red Shop Museum on April 18. Painting, staining and other work has been going on inside the shop since the contractor's phase of the job ended in December.

   April 20 - I wonder what that sign will say a month from now.

   The Mill Street bridge. What do you think will happen first - progress on the bridge or $4 gas? Maybe $5 gas before anything happens at the bridge.

   Town Park and Bradford pears on Dutcher Street in bloom - April 29.

Hopedale in April 2008

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