Hopedale Pond - November 3.

   Back to gas prices again - November 3. By mid-month the price of a gallon of regular had dropped below $2.00, and well before the end of the month it was $1.79.

   Election Day - November 4. This photo was taken a little before 8:30 AM. No waiting then, but it must have been busy earlier. I voted just after taking the picture and I was number 572.

   The grave site of
Ebenezer and Anna Draper at Hopedale Village Cemetery.

   The town park at the Dutcher-Northrop corner - November 5.

   Removal of tracks, ties and brush continues as work on the G&U Railroad moves ahead - November 11.

   The highway department collecting leaves on Inman Street - November 12.

   Mill Street bridge project - November 13.

   Ann Fields, the new director of the
Bancroft Library is shown here at an open house held on November 17.

   Yes, you're invited to the tree lighting on the
Community House lawn.

Click here for more on the abolitionists in Hopedale, including the wording that you may not be able to read in this picture.

   Hopedale Pond with a skim of ice - November 21.

   This photo shows an area much changed in the last month. It was taken from near the salt shed and sand pile behind the town hall parking lot. Several sets of railroad tracks are gone, and saplings and brush have been cut and carried away. The pile on the left is from partitions, etc. being removed from the West Foundry/ Wickes Lumber building. The foundry is out of view on the left and the now razed railroad station was a bit to the right of what is shown here. Another building now gone is the little brick scale house.

   Sam Marshall is shown here as he nears completion of his Eagle Scout project - the replacement of the sidewalk to the north entrance of the Little Red Shop Museum - November 22.

Hopedale in November 2008  

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