The first day of March and the first snow of the month. Still good weather for ice fishing.
Click here to see what March looked like last year.

   March 1

   March 1

   Looking south from near the Rustic Bridge. Click on the picture for more from the Parklands on March 1.

   Birds announce the approaching storm - March 1.

   St. Francis - March 2

   St. Francis - March 1

   Town Park - March 4.

   The G&U/West Foundry (or perhaps I should say Wickes Lumber - it's been a long time since it was a foundry) ) project continues - March 5.

   Fire Chief Scott Garland repairs alarm line - March 5.

   A brook in the Parklands, a bit west of the railroad tracks - March 8.

   Hopedale Pond viewed from the west - March 8.

   March 9 - What - more snow??? But it was only about an inch, and spring is just around the corner.

  Formerly the Dutcher Street School - now the Uncommon Place Condominiums - March 13.

   The corner of Hopedale and Draper streets - March 16.

   "Spring training" - March 16.

   March 17. It looks like the ice will be gone soon. Click on the picture to see when the pond was free of ice in other years.

   Tom Beder, one of many volunteers helping to create a town museum at the Little Red Shop, is shown delivering a table leaf he constructed. The table, to be used for meetings at the shop, was a give-away item on Dutcher Street a few weeks ago. The leaf was missing, so Tom made one.

   Inman Street

   There was still some ice left at the lower end of Hopedale Pond on the afternoon of the 19th, but it was gone by the next day - the first day of spring. There was still some left on the West Cove. As far as the old
Draper iceout records are concerned, they recorded from what could be seen from the shop, so the West Cove didn't count. The 20th would be listed as the day on which the ice was gone. There was still some ice in the cove on the 25th.

   The Unitarian Church vendor fair - March 21. Ms. Rabbit said there will be another one on May 16.

   Another sign of spring - the highway department cleaning the winter's sand off of the sidewalks and streets - March 25.

   Two looms were returned to the Little Red Shop on March 26. Click on the picture for more.

Hopedale in March 2009  

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