This was part of a Milford group (the Milford Community Use program, I think) kayaking on Hopedale Pond on July 1. This picture shows about half of the group. The kayaks were rented from Fin and Feather in Upton.

   Unitarian Church - July 5.

   Hill Street - July 5. Click on the picture for more on White City.

   Schedule of this summer's band concerts is on the bottom right of the home page.

   Was the house behind Adin Ballou a station on the Underground Railroad? Click on the picture to see the evidence.

   I took these pictures underneath the Rustic Bridge on July 6. I don't know birds. Anyone know what kind they are?
Let me know and I'll add it here.

   And here, a few days after I posted that question, is the answer from Tom Lipsky.
    Dan---you have a photo of a nest of Eastern Phoebes, a type of flycatcher. They build cup-shaped nests of mud under bridges and on buildings. It looks like the young ones are around 2-3 weeks old.

Click here for  more about the Parklands, written by Tom a few years ago.

   Kids in the children's room of the Bancroft Library pose in front on a spaceship, built as part of the summer reading program that has the theme, Spaceship Adventure.

   Hopedale Boy Scouts, Troop 1, conduct a returnable container fund raiser - July 11. Click on the picture to go to the troop website.

   July 14

   The completion of the handicapped entrance ramp is the last major step before the Little Red Shop Museum can open to the public. This picture shows Vinnie of fhe Hopedale Highway Department working on the excavation on July 16. Concrete will be poured next week.

   Kids working on "stained glass" projects at the town park on July 16.

   Got cardboard? If you have too much for the curbside collection, you can leave it in this container on Depot Street, across from the highway barn. There's also a clothing conatiner nearby.

   The completion of the handicapped entrance ramp was managed and the work done by Troy Longacre, here assisted by his son, Connor, and Zack Ryan. The Hopedale Highway Department did the digging, Troy volunteered his time and donated materials, and Varney Brothers donated the concrete. July 20.

   The cotton candy machine at Outdoor Fun Day at the Bancroft Library. Click on the picture for more.

Hopedale in July 2009

                                                 More pictures will be added during the month.

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