This picture was dated 1902. It appears to have been taken in front of Henry Patrick's Store. The picture appeared in the Milford Daily News some years ago with the following caption:
This old-time photo of the Hopedale Marching Band was taken around 1902. The band took part in parades and concerts throughout the Milford area. John L. Manuel of Milford, son of one of the bandsmen identified most of the members. Front row, from left, Silas Staples, Sterling Freethy, Fred Osgood, unknown. Second row, from left, Wesley Knights, Peter O. Gaskill, B. J. Manuel, W.R. Beals, William Nuttall, Victor Wise. Back row, Mr. Cole, Jesse Warren, Lyman Sweet, Warren Stimpson, Walter Watson, Roscoe Steere, Daniel Warren and Wilfred Scott.

   Hopedale Band, 1911

   This group was photographed between the Hopedale Coal and Ice Company office and the
Hope Street Bridge.

Early Hopedale Bands  

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