Hopedale Businesses - 1918, 1927 |
Joseph Demers Wagons of All Descriptions Built to order on short notice Horse shoeing and jobbing 7-9 Main Street, near Hopedale Street |
H.H. Hart Maker of Custom Shoes and Unlined Shoes for Ladies and Gents Made to measure Corner Social and Dutcher |
C.F. Roper Mfrs. Circulating Pumps 25 Northrop Street |
Josiah T. Gibbs Registered Pharmacist Pure drugs only, Fine Confectioary and Cigars Toilet Articles and Fancy Goods Harrison Block |
A.A Westcott & Sons Tel 136 Cotton, Woolen & Silk Spindles Spinning and Twister Flyers, Steps, Bolsters, etc. Mill St., opp Hopedale Street |
Wm W. Knights Insurance - Tel 63-M 382 West Main, Hopedale |
Bowker the Clothier Harrison Block, Hopedale Street |
H.L. Patrick General Merchandise Groceries, Flour and Grain Two Stores Hopedale, near Draper Main, cor. Hopedale |
T.H. Craddock Dealer in Beef, Pork, Lamb, Ham, Groceries & flour Veg, Fruit, Canned Goods, Butter, Eggs, etc. 34 Dutcher Street |
F.C. Townsend Contractor, Carpenter & Builder 8 West Main, near Hopedale Street Hopedale |
Hopedale Coal & Ice Co. W.H. Barney Treasurer and manager Coal, Wood, Ice, Hay, Straw and Teaming Tel 26 Office - Hope Street Extension |
The Legee Garage Harvey W. Leggee Auto Repairs, Tires & Accessories Tel 484-W |
Frank C. Albee Mason and Plasterer 321 So. Main St. Cor. Warfield |
Hopedale House Wm H. Cox, manager Permanent and transient Nicely furnished rooms with steam heat. Public telephone pay station 37 - 41 Dutcher Street |
Harold I. Fiske Dentist Town Hall Building 60 Hopedale Street |
The material above comes from the Milford-Hopedale directory for 1918. That below is from the directory for 1927. Photo, restaurant at 34 Dutcher Buildings Menu Henry Patrick's Store HOME |
W.L. Corey Garage Accessories--Tires--Tubes Battery Service Station Duco System Automobile Painting 98 Mendon Street Hopedale Phone 1064-R Res. 715Y |
James L. Lilley Automobile and Carriage Painting 43 Forest St., Milford, Mass. Mendon St., Hopedale, Mass. . |
Hopedale Coal & Ice Company Coal, Wood, Ice, Hay, and Straw Teaming, etc. Kindling Wood Telephone your order Phone 26 W.H. Barney, Treas.-Mgr Hope Cor. Cemetery St., Hopedale, Mass. 14 So. Bow St., Milford, Mass. |
Established 1869 Incorporated 1919 HENRY PATRICK CO. Wholesale and retail dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE GROCERIES, FLOUR AND GRAIN HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Two Stores: Hopedale, cor. Hope Main, cor. Hopedale HOPEDALE, MASS. |
A. A. Westcott & Sons Co. Phone 884-W Manufacturers of All Kinds of Cotton, Woolen and Silk SPINDLES Spinning and Twisters, Etc. SPINDLES A SPECIALTY Old Spindles Re-Ground and Repaired. All work Graranteed to give satisfaction Mill St., opp Green St., HOPEDALE, MASS. |