The Hopedale High School Class of 1959, forty-seven years after receiving our diplomas on the Community House lawn. Back in 1959 though, the name was General Draper High School. We had reunions every five years up through the twenty-fifth. We didn't get around to it for the 30th or 35th, but we got together for the 40th. Everyone had such a good time that year that we decided not to wait until the 45th, so we've had a reunion every year since then. We were a small group, twenty-seven, I think, and our reunions have been at homes. One was at Chet and Meredeth Gould's in Connecticut, one at Kurt and Joyce Anderson's in New York (next year's will be there also) and the others, including the one shown above, at Leigh and Pat Allen's in Connecticut. If you were in the class, you've probably figured out who those people are. For those who weren't, and are wondering, here you are: Front: Nancy (Bliven) L'Heureaux Seated behind Nancy: Dave and Jane Harris, Meredith (Lindahl) Gould, Bev (Anderson) Harris, Liz (Harriet Gaskill) Demars Standing: Jack Hayes, Stan Duprey, Joyce (Burton) Anderson, Dan Malloy (Elaine was in the yard at the time and missed the picture), Leigh Allen, (Pat took the picture), Kurt Anderson, Chet Gould Others who have joined us in recent years but didn't make this one, include Dave Atkinson, Pete Billings, Lynn Lutz, Betty (Chute ) Mellen, Don Moore, Phil Roberts, Craig Travers and Jim Woolheiser. Eddie Daige was here for the fortieth and Brenda (Spadoni) Duprey was a regular at the events. Sadly, both are now deceased. Who Menu HOME |