The fun-run.

   On the morning of Day in the Park, Jim Shimkus makes final adjustments to the Red Shop weather vane that he refurbished. In the photo above, taken by Sue Ciaramicoli, firemen Mike Ciaramicoli and Joey Evalino, on the ladder of the fire department ladder truck, raise the weather vane into place on the cupola.

Many passengers took a ride around the center of Hopedale on a horse and wagon ride provided by Iron Shoe Carriage Service of Uxbridge and sponsored by the Hopedale Historical Commission.

   A few of the "Hopedale history people" at the Little Red Shop - Bill Gannett, Sue Ciaramicoli, Theresa Ryan Tom McGovern and Merrily Sparling. Photo by...hmmm...not Sue. Someone using Sue's camera, I guess.

Day in the Park - September 13, 2008

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