The building with the three windows showing in the left middle appears to be The Little Red Shop.  It was attached to a three story brick building with an enclosed walkway.  The roof of that walkway is visible in this picture.  Part of The Little Red Shop is blocked by an addition to it.  The Chapel Street School can be seen beyond the shop slightly to the left of the middle of the photo.  The boarding house called the Hopedale House, now the apartment house across from the fire station, can be seen to the right of the stacks.  This picture was taken by William H. Barney.  Barney was the manager of Hopedale Coal and Ice Company and took  pictures in town between 1890 and 1910.  He took many of the photos that were used in the Images of America book, Hopedale.  They were loaned to us by Arthur Allen.  Barney's son, William, has provided us with some interesting information about his father's pictures, and several quotes from his letters can be found elsewhere in this site.  When the photo above was taken, there was no cupola on the Little Red Shop. To see what appears to be the original location of the cupola , take a look at the next picture in this series.  If you'd rather select the pages individually instead of continuing through this series from one to the next, go to the Red Shop Menu.        Back to town center picture      HOME