Camp Hicks
                                                                                                                                         December 25, 1861

Dear Father: 

   I received your letter to-day and as there is no drill to-day will answer it. 

   Since writing before things have gone on as usual; drills every day, with a review now and then. The Captain and Emery went to Washington last Saturday leaving me in command. They returned Monday. The weather here continues delightful. There has been no snow as yet, and no ice of any account. This day being Christmas a half holiday is allowed us. I had rather drill. I suppose you will have a great time at home this eve. Should like to be there a little while. 

   Two Brigadier Generals arrived here to-day to command two of our brigades. So probably my expectations will not be realized. I am satisfied that if I ever am promoted it will be by going out of company. I should not think of this so much did I not see and if I were not told nearly every day "that I am better posted than the man above me; that the Lieutenants in Company B ought to change places and etc." But I shall get used to it by and by. 

   I received pay from September 18th to November 1st at $105.50 per month. Expect to be paid again soon, certainly before we start. I think an arrangement will be made with the Milford Bank so that they will have the money sent there. I do not think we shall leave here very soon, as a battery lately arrived is to go into camp. The talk here now is that we go the fifth of January or thereabouts. I think we shall see service when we do go. 

   Send me your note for the amount sent you as I had rather have it that way than any other. 

                                                                                                                                 Yours truly,

                                                                                                                                 W.F. Draper

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